7. The Night Out

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Pepper spray; check. Switchblade; check. Bottled water; check. Attitude; check.

I'm ready for a night out with Jondin. To be honest, I'd rather not go and remain in my house wasting my life away on Netflix, but at the same time I wonder what it's like to 'hang out' with others. So, I now sit on my porch awaiting Jondin's arrival.

His car pulls up just as the sun decides to hide itself behind the horizon. At first I refuse to get up, rethinking everything that has led up to this point, but then I see Jondin smile at me and I force myself to move.

He gets out of the car just to open the passenger seat door for me, which I find strange, but I pretend that it's custom and let him close it behind me as I ease myself onto the seat. I haven't been in his car in a while. The masculine nature smell that lingers is actually quite calming, as well as the dark and comfy seats. I need to stop.

"You look beautiful," Jondin starts. "I rarely see you wear light colors."

'Kill yourself', would have been my immediate answer to something like that, but something in his tone keeps me from saying that. Plus that's a terrible thing to tell someone. I give it to him anyway, because I very rarely wear any colors other then the dark ones. *cough cough* black *cough cough*. I just so happened to have stumbled upon a red dress looking through my closet (or abyss) of darkness. It's not showy or anything, but maybe just enough to drag some attention wether it be good or bad.

I place my purse on my lap. "You don't look too bad yourself," I tell him.

A smirk slides across his face.

When we arrive I find out that I don't even have to see drunk people to get anxious. I strongly dislike going to social events where there are a bunch of people. Petty, dumb, obnoxious, loud, and thirsty humans. And then places like clubs are exclusively filled with people who like to invade the space of others.

I feel like an awkwardly deranged teenager contemplating wether or not I want to go to prom and talk to people.

Soon enough Jondin recognizes my mild nervousness and grabs my hand. This doesn't make things better at all. Only when we walk in do I appreciate the hold. Just like I thought, it's crowded, loud, and crazy.

We barely get a spot at the bar area and sit at two unoccupied stools, but at least it's not as loud. "Can I get you a drink?" Jondin asks me.

I shake my head. "Unless you want to get me a glass of water," I inform him.

"You're one of those people who don't drink, aren't you?"

I nod. "Never did never will, you have fun though."

On request, Jondin orders a well needed cup of water for me, and some alcoholic beverage of some sort for himself. I watch carefully as he takes a sip and clears his throat afterwards. Raising my eyebrows, I say, "Looks like you haven't had a drink in a while yourself, buddy."

He shakes his head and smirks. "You're not wrong." Jondin then puts down his drink and gives his full attention to me. "So, where are you from?"

Where was I from...? For some odd reason I have a hard time remembering where I was born. "I think I was from Pennsylvania. You?"

"Here, in New York."

I smile. "Never left home?"

Jondin shakes his head. "Why leave when I have everything I need here?"

I don't know what it is, but something ticks in me as I look into his eyes. I don't believe it's anything personal or anything, but that's just what I believe.

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