3. Rueful

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I hear a knock on my front door, interrupting my sleep. When my eyes adjust to the brightness of the day, I look over at my clock. Ugh, it's six o'clock in the morning. Who the heck is knocking at this time?

The excessive banging on my front door doesn't stop, so I drag myself up and force myself out of my bedroom, into my living room, and by the door. I open it ready to punch someone, and I groan out of annoyance when I see that it's Jondin. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, rubbing my eyes.

"I told you that I was coming over this morning last night," he tells me.

Oh yeah, he did. "Why-" I begin as he invites himself in. "What are you-why are you here?"

Jondin sits down on my couch and says, "I think your suicidal."

What the? I close the door and frown. "What? Where'd you get that from?"

"You're always tired and depressed, and then yesterday comes and you're all happy and you nearly let yourself get killed."

I shake my head at his reasoning. "First of all, I have mild insomnia, that's why I'm anyways tired and sad. Yesterday I actually got some sleep, plus I got distracted when the guy blasted at me, OK. I'm not suicidal. I value my life very much."

He doesn't say anything for a minute, probably embarrassed.

I sit down next to him and ruffle my hand through his silky combed back black hair. "Thanks for your concern, though," I tell him.

"I get on your nerves, tell the truth."

"I enjoy your company actually."

Jondin looks at me with raised eyebrows, and then begins to smile. I frown not understanding what that's all about. Getting up, I ask, "I have to get ready for work, are you going to be here when I'm done?"

"Yup. I'll be right here."


The day carried on as usual except for a couple minor things. When I arrived at my office my first instinct was to shred the SHIELD folders that I had presumably stolen. And so I did. The information on them are now memorized, word for word, downloaded into my brain, so I won't be needing those papers anymore.

I finally muster up enough time to take a deep breath and slow my roll. I've been moving unreasonably fast ever since that encounter with Stark. I guess my paranoia is getting the best of me.

After thirty minutes of me sitting in my office contemplating and reevaluating my life choices, Jondin walks in. Thank goodness, some comfort. "Do you ever get tired of walking into my office every hour?" I ask him. "Don't you have work of your own?"

He gives me that off look. "... Hi to you too."

I notice my sudden bad attitude towards him and apologize, but I still wonder why he's always visiting me. I appreciate it and all, but, he still has a job to do. "No, seriously though, why are you always here?" I ask him.

Jondin shrugs and eases himself onto the chair in front of my desk. "I get bored," he answers.

I raise my eyebrows at his juvenile answer. "And I'm your source of entertainment?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

I chuckle and lean in closer with my elbows on my desk. "So...? Do you have more interesting stories to tell me?"

Jondin begins to speak as there's a knock on my door. A familiar woman walks in, but I don't remember where I saw her. Eh.

A new client, yay...

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