6. Furthermore

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An extremely paranoid feeling rushes through me as I feel my eyes fly open. Grey is all I see at first. Dark and rusty silver walls. I then slowly raise my head off of an equally cold table. Ugh... What's with all this grey?

As it turns out, I'm seated by a table with my hands bound to it with thick magnetic cuffs in a small and gloomy version of an interrogation room.

I cannot believe that I got caught, and now I'm stuck in a box.

"Have a nice nap?" a sure voice asks me out of nowhere.

A man who looks to be in his middle forties walks in. He's dressed in black with a long coat similar to mine, but what impresses me the most is his milk brown skin and eye patch. I wonder who this is. "Who are you?" I ask him. "And where am I?"

He strides over to the opposite side of where I sit at the table. "If you cooperate in answering my questions, then I might consider answering yours," the man replies assertively.

I'm still to groggy and lightheaded to sass him, so I just shrug.

"Are you affiliated with Loki?"

Loki? That Norse god of mischief and chaos? Thor's brother? I frown in confusion. "What? I have never even met him."

He gives me a look that clearly states that he's not all that willing to believe what I had said, so I sigh and say, "I'm just a normal person, OK? I have never even been in Loki's periphery. I'm just a straight up human, and I don't even know why I'm here."

The cloaked man smirks and asks, "Then if you're just normal 'human', then how where you able to damage Iron Man, beat up Black Widow, and escape Captain America...? And all in the matter of two weeks?"

I don't respond, not exactly knowing how. I mean, what can I say...? I got caught.

The guy continues. "And it's funny how all this time we thought that you and the masked man were two very different people." He comes to lean over the table all up in my space. "Now who exactly are you, Ms. Brinestone?"

I got nothing to lose, right? "I am a mutant, who's only crime was curiosity. And I'm sorry about all the mess I caused."

He gives me a long and intense stare before he recedes from my personal space. "My name is Nick Fury," the cloaked man begins to explain. "I am the director of SHIELD. You right now, are in a hulk proof interrogation room located in the headquarters."

OK... "Can I go home now?" I ask him.

"No," he replies bluntly. "You may not. You still have SHIELD intel."

At that moment I had begun to pull at the cuffs that were keeping my hands bound in one place on the steel table. "I don't mean SHIELD any harm. What can I do to prove it to you? Say sorry to the people that I beat up? I will. I mean, seriously? Anything? What will it take to get me out of these cuffs and off your hit list?"

Fury just stares at me, deep in thought.


I can't believe this, I think as I get my things returned to me.

I have seen it all. Some gentlemen decided to show me around the headquarters from the toes to the head, with the exception of the super secret stuff. After the tour, I was given my cloak, repaired mask, and my other widgets back.

Why am I doing this? Oh yeah, to prove a point.

Anyway, the nice guy also took the liberty to drive me home as well. Luckily, the authority gave me a duffel bag to keep my stuff in it, for it is broad daylight right now and civilians sure do like to stare.

I wonder how long was I out?

I step out of the car and give him a thank you.

"No problem," he responds. "Whenever we need you we'll just call, which could be at any time. OK with that?"

No. "Sounds good."

I close the passenger seat door and watch as he speeds away. I'm now working for SHIELD... At least the pay is good.


I sigh once more as I resume my daily routine. Get up, get ready, and get to work. So far, it would seem that no one has even noticed my absence. No one asked me 'where were you' or 'are you OK', not even a simple 'oh, you're back'. I was actually shocked, but then again, there was always Jondin.

I step into my office and the first thing I notice is Jondin sitting on the chair in front of my desk. "Long time no see," he states.

"Hello to you too." I casually walk to my respective seat and ask, "What brings you over to paradise?"

"Just a man on a mission," he responds.

A mission? "What kind of mission?"

"A mission to figure you out."

Well that was a bold statement. "Figure me out, huh? Why?"

"I can see a lot of hidden talents and secrets and gifts in your eyes that you don't share with anyone. Some amazing door that I want to open, but you keep on closing it. We haven't even had a real conversation since the first day we met two years ago until last month."

I raise my arms up in a surrendering gesture. "You caught me," I say. "I'm reserved."

Jondin looks at me for a long time a probably a little bent on the question if wether or not I was being sarcastic. "You know what? Me. You. Next week. Club."

An instant chuckle comes out of me. "Uh, no. Sorry. I don't go to social events like that. To much people in a building getting drunk."

"Don't worry, I'll pick you up," he tells me, professionally bolting out of the room before I can even protest.

I wish I could've stayed home today.


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