Let Me Show You (Sam x Chubby!Reader)

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Words: 1,359
Warnings: Language, wee bit of body image issues, more than just smut sprinkles but not all the way smut

A/N: First, this is for -thighsofbetrayxl, who was looking for more Sam love.

Second, I would have written Sam sooner, but tbh, I wasn't comfortable with describing POC without the fear of offending. I found a great tumblr that helped with that, so I'm hoping to do more Sam in the future...wait...that sounded a bit dirty.

Third, this fic is a first for me in many ways. 1) see above. 2) chubby!reader...I've been wanting to do something with that idea for awhile. 3) steamy fic for the character's first fic...

So please...give me feedback on this. Should I do more Sam? *giggles* more certain kind of reader (in chubby, skinny, depressed, abused)? Please be constructive, not mean.

Forth, I wanna thank Yavanna80 & Haylie_Marie_ for helping me and encouraging me in writing this.

She didn't know what possessed her into agreeing to running with Sam, but here Y/N was running on the indoor track at the compound

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She didn't know what possessed her into agreeing to running with Sam, but here Y/N was running on the indoor track at the compound. Sam kept her at a pace slightly faster than she normally would go, and he was barely breaking a sweat, encouraging her to keep going, that the mile was almost over. If it wasn't for that, she would have quit before the first lap was over, and went back to her room to sleep or eat some godawful thing.

She was thankful that Sam was 100% supportive on her trek to getting in shape, since she wasn't happy with the slight pudge that was her stomach. She blamed it on the analyst job and life style with SHIELD: long hours and a sedentary lifestyle. He wasn't too lenient on her, but wasn't a drill sergeant, which she was afraid of since of his military background.

They reached the end of the run and Y/N collapsed on the floor, lying on her back. Her lungs burned, her legs ached, and every nerve in her body was on fire.

"You alright kid?" Sam asked as he stood above her, smirking.

"Yeah," she breathed out, wincing at the effort. "Just --- let me --- catch my --- breath." Her attempts to catch it were fruitless, but eventually the burning in her chest succumbed and she sat up.

"You know, I could've slowed down for you," Sam said, offering his hand. She took it and he pulled her up to her feet.

"What fun would've that been?" she laughed, pushing his shoulder, making him smile.

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