Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson

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It was to no surprise that you were placed in team CFVY. You protested about you being a burden to them, but unfortunately everybody thought against it, and thus you were placed in that team.

Desmond and the rest of the Assassins have withdrawn to hiding, for being in plain sight is dangerous for them. You attended the academy, but with slight changes as you had to miss out on several lessons to train with the Order.

Desmond had little to teach, however, as you had learnt most of the skills just by looking at Desmond perform it.

"Wow, you're a quick learner, Y/N. You've got a knack for this, huh?"

You shrugged. "Yeah, maybe it's just in my blood, you know?"

You also spent a lot more time with your team, especially Velvet. You've always been protecting her from bullies, especially that team CRDL.

"Hey Y/N? Still with that bunny girlfriend of yours?" Cardin laughed.

"You're really THAT desperate for a girlfriend that you'll even go as low as a Faunus?" Sky mocked.

You were about to say something, but Velvet beat you to it.

"At least I HAVE someone I'm in love with, asshole." Velvet snapped. "Your mother is not counted. Now leave me alone before my 'boyfriend' leaves you on the brink of death."

You flicked your wrists and pointed your hidden blade at them, glaring menacingly. They turned and run, falling over a few times.

When they were out of sight. Velvet sighed in relief as Coco walked toward you two.

"Wow, you're growing a lot on Velvet. I've never seen her react like that before."

You put an arm around Velvet, causing her to blush.

"It's not my fault that they're so . . .  unintelligent that they still have not figured my Faunus origins." You said, giving a thumbs up.

Velvet twiddles with her fingers as she looks down at her feet. Your close proximity to her was driving her crazy. She wanted nothing but for you to embrace her. Coco noticed Velvet's actions and gave a lop sided grin. She leaned closer to her ear.

"Looks like somebody is in love." She whispered.

Velvet squeaked in ran away, covering her face in embarrassment. You looked at her running off and chuckled.

"I don't know what you said, Coco. But it sure made Velvet flustered."

"You should be able to hear that, what, with you being a wolf Faunus and all."

"I wasn't paying attention. I was more interested in that." You pointed at Weiss and Neptune being at each others necks.

"LISTEN HERE YOU BITCH!" Neptune shouted, grabbing Weiss by the neck.


You looked at the source of the voice and inwardly smiled. He was one of the most quiet student in all of Beacon. He was always seen by himself and never mingled with anyone.

"Harming a girl, Neptune? I never thought you'd stoop that low." He growled.

Everyone was shocked, including Neptune. This was the first time he had ever raised his voice at everyone.

"U-Umbra?" Weiss says, shocked.

Neptune was now hesitant, as Umbra has never shown his abilities in combat, and he does not know his potential.

"You watch your back, Umbra. Let this be known that this isn't over." Neptune spat and he left.

Umbra stood and was about to walk away, if not for Weiss running after him. She grabbed his arm and Umbra turned, eyebrow raised.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now