Taking Chances

553 29 43

Date Started: 4.23.15
Date Finished: 4.23.15
Summary: Harry stalking Ariana at all of her social media sites and finally got to meet again her after her performance at the AMA's.


I scroll through her Instagram page and tried my best not to leave any traces of me doing so but sometimes I end up liking some of her recent pictures from time to time, hoping that it doesn't make anything suspicious to her and my fans.

Once I finally had enough, I opened the Twitter app and scroll through her feed so I would be updated on what she's up to. I know what you are all probably thinking, I'm practically stalking her and at this point, maybe I am but I just can't help it.

Another Twitter notification popped up on my screen, indicating that she was tweeting and interacting with her fans. Looking at her profile, I've come to the conclusion that her favorite color is lavender, I know this because of her lavender colored header. She's just too cute. I read her newest tweet talking about how nervous she was for the AMA's.

She's coming there too? This is my chance to finally get to meet her again and hear her sing live. Oh how lovely and heavenly her voice is.

I was quick enough to buy her first album when I first heard "The Way". Her whistle notes just had me trembling weak on my knees. I tried to watch the music video but ended up skipping the end part. I wasn't jealous, I was just irritated by the fact that they had to kiss when they haven't really known each other that long.

After reading her other tweets and mentally ramble on how adorable she really is. I opened YouTube. I searched her vevo account, once again watching "Baby I" and "Right There". I ended up singing and humming along to her beautiful voice. I feel like I've watched "Baby I" more than 37 times now. She's absolutely gorgeous. The outfit she wore on the music video just added more to her beauty.

After I was done watching and singing along to it, I went to her personal account on YouTube and once again watched her cover of "Emotions" by Mariah Carey. I feel the corners of my lips curving up into a wide smile as I watch how she interacts with the camera and the people around her.

Hearing a few knocks on my hotel door. I pause the video and stood up from my place on the couch to answer the door. I take a small peek through the peephole and seeing that it was only just Louis, I opened the door. My eyebrows up as I patiently wait for him to talk.

"Mate, we gotta get ready for the AMA's" He says, not bothering to come in anymore. I nod my head as I mumbled an 'okay' and bid Louis goodbye before closing the door.

Grabbing the "Yours Truly" album from my duffle bag. I plug the stereo in, turning it on to play the CD. Hearing "Honeymoon Avenue" play. I went to grab all my necessities needed while taking a shower and went to the bathroom.

Stepping out of the shower, I sang along "Almost Is Never Enough" singing Nathan Sykes' part while I try my best to tame my hair by combing it. Every now and then, I use the comb as my very own microphone as I pull funny faces infront of the mirror with a towel still wrapped around my hips. I was slightly imagining that it was me she was singing the song with instead of him.


"The story of my life" I sang and that was the end of our AMA's performance. We hear loud claps and cheers from the audience and we thank them simultaneously.

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