Daddy Issues

291 5 3

Date Started: 2.9.19
Date Finished: 4.6.2020
Summary: Ariana Grande, a rebel by heart decided to finally leave her home to pursue her lifelong dream; to travel the world until she stumbled upon the well-known most lethal and unholy English mafia leader, Harry Styles.

It's been so long since I've written anything like this but here y'all go. Mature Content Ahead. Enjoy xx


Leaving LA was probably the best and bewildering thing that I've ever done because I never really saw myself enjoying the gloomy weather of London.

Despite not knowing anyone, I've been having the time of my life. Everyone has been very hospitable and their culture is to die for. I could see myself definitely living here.

I've been staying here at London for almost two months now and I couldn't help but compare it from my hometown, Boca Raton, Flo Rida.

I miss my friends and the sunny weather of Flo Rida as the cold of the night here in London gets harder to bear.

I wonder if my mom is missing me like I'm missing her or if my dad even cares that I left. Even though I know that my dad doesn't probably care about my whereabouts, I hope he knows to himself that he's the main reason why I got on a plane in the first place.

I snap away from my thoughts when I hear my stomach grumble in hunger. I stood up from my seat, placed down my Love Is A Mixtape book down on the coffee table and headed over to the fridge.

To my dismay, I only found a bottle of water that I'm pretty sure won't satisfy my hunger for a heavy meal. Sighing to myself, I thought about where I could possibly get a meal to eat since it was past midnight already.

Opening my phone, I looked for places nearby that were still open but only ended up finding one that was 12 blocks away.

I could walk that fast.. right?

Grabbing my coat from the coat hanger, I lock the door on my way out before leaving my small flat.

Shivers immediately ran down my spine once I stepped outside. Crossing my arms over my chest due to the cold temperature, I quickly began speed walking towards my destination.

Feeling someone staring at me from behind, I stopped in my tracks to look behind me but found nothing but darkness and a dimly lit lamp post.

I sighed in both annoyance and frustration due to my short legs as I tried to fasten my pace in walking but it still wasn't enough.

I was starting to feel scared as I heard footsteps from behind me but I remained determined to get to the convenience store and finally eat some food.

No one would want to get kidnapped with an empty stomach.

I sighed in relief when I finally entered the convenience store. Although I find it weird when I saw no one behind the counter but I shrugged it off. Maybe he's just smoking or eating at the back.

Deciding to just get a few canned goods and frozen foods, I headed over to the counter to pay but  stopped when I noticed that they had Red Vines available. I softly squealed to myself before instantly grabbing two boxes of them.

The chime of the bells, signalling that someone else had came in got my attention and I spot a tall man with unruly curls wearing all black enter with his head down.

I stood infront of the counter and frowned when the employee behind it was still nowhere to be found. I spot the door that probably leads to the employees headquarters, noticing that it was slightly opened and out of curiousity, I bent over the counter to get atleast a small view at where he or she might be but then I noticed that the different screens to show what the CCTV camera sees were all smashed and broken.

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