Suicidal Pt. 2

320 19 18

Date Started: 5.9.16
Date Finished: 5.11.16

Summary: Ariana getting all the hate and Harry not knowing about her suicide attempts

Song for the imagine (pt. 2):
How To Save A Life by The Fray (I'm just in the mood for this ♡)


I put the seat back down and quickly stepped out of the car to get back on the driver's seat. After buckling my seatbelt, I place my hands on the wheel and gripped it tight before making a quick U-turn, ignoring the loud honks from other cars. All I want is just to get home as quickly as possible to see if Ariana's safe and okay. I don't know if Ariana is doing something right now that will change my life forever or if she's just watching tv and playing with the dogs like she normally would.

Seeing there's traffic, I slam my hands on the wheel as I pulled the car into a stop. I groan in panic and annoyance as goose bumps started rising all over my body. My eyes widen as I hear sirens from an ambulance passing through the middle of the road. Shivers ran down my spine once the ambulance passed by me. I didn't hesitate to quickly grab my phone from the pocket of my jeans, my hands shaking as I desperately try to call Ariana.

I spot the ambulance turning right in the distance leading to where our street is. Fuck. I nervously gulped when she doesn't answer the phone. I'm about to lose the love of my life and there's a fucking traffic I had to go through. I turned the engine off, unbuckling my seatbelt as I grabbed my keys. I step out of the car and observe the heavy traffic that looks like it would last about two hours and ran.

I ran as fast as I could, my feet starting to ache as I turn a corner. I sighed in relief when I realized that the ambulance didn't stop anywhere by our neighborhood. I ran faster when I saw the familiar structure of our home, the wind blowing on my face and my hair probably looking like a bird's nest right now but I don't care. I just need to come home. Home. Ariana.

Upon reaching the front gates, I quickly typed in the code. Once it started opening, I squeezed myself through, no longer waiting for the gate to completely open anymore. I ran up our porch, cursing once I realized that the door is probably locked. I quickly get the key from my pockets and unlocked the door. Not wasting anymore second as I walked in.

"Ariana? Babe? You here?" I called, hoping to hear her voice in the kitchen but I was only greeted by silence.

For the first time, I hated the sound of the deafening silence as I climbed up the stairs, running through the hallways until I reached our bedroom door. At first I thought that it was locked but was  surprised myself that it was unlocked.

Opening the door wide, my eyes scan the room, breathing rapidly as I try to catch my breath. When my eyes landed on the floor, my eyes began to water and my heart begins to hurt at the horrible sight. My one true love, lying on our bedroom floor unconscious. A rope was around her neck which thankfully wasn't tight enough to choke her. What caught most of my attention is the razor that she was holding in her right hand that was covered in fresh blood. Tears continue to stream down my face as I walk up to her.

Both of her sleeves were up and finally I saw several cuts covering her skin that she had successfully hidden from me for such a long time. As my eyes move frantically up and down her figure, observing her state, I noticed that one of the cuts was bleeding. Am I too late? Can I  still save someone that's possibly already gone?

I drop on my knees just as a sob broke out of my lips. I gently grabbed her head and carefully set her on my lap. I stared at her beautiful face  as low whimpers come out of my slightly parted lips. I admire her beauty for a while before tightly closing my eyes. Hopelessly waiting for me to wake up from this awful nightmare. What have I done? This is all my fault, if I had just find out sooner, I could've prevented this from happening.. ever. I could've saved her.

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