They Don't Know About Us

302 8 4

Date Started: 9.21.17
Date Finished: 9.29.17
Summary: In which Ariana is the victim and Harry is the bully that unfortunately fell madly in love with each other.


Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and move on. It will all end soon.

I repeat these lines for more than ten times now until they stopped talking and Zayn finally stopped slapping and hitting my arms.

"What the fuck do you think you guys are doing?" I hear the familiar deep and raspy voice of the person whom I unfortunately fell in love to.

"Harry, lad. She was on my way so I decided to teach her a lesson about sticking to where she belongs" Zayn explains himself to Harry while Harry looks at me apologetically, his eyes showing guilt for what he was about to do.

"Well then, let's show her where she really belongs" Harry looks at each one of his friends with an evil smirk on his face.

They all nod to themselves before harshly grabbing onto my arms and wrists. I wince in pain and I see Harry in the corner of my eye, biting his lip with an upset look on his face.

He shook it off quicker than it came before speaking. "Careful lads, we might wanna save our energy for the best part" He smiles as he passes by us and pats Zayn on his shoulder, leading the way.

I was immediately thrown to the ground. My body hitting the hard cemented ground and I'm already sure that it would leave huge bruises.

Before Zayn even attempts to hit me again, we hear the loud ringing of the bell in the background which means that we're late for first period again but it's not like they cared about first period so basically, I'm the only one who's late here.

"Alright lads, why don't you all head back to your specific classes and I take care of Miss Grande here by myself?" Harry gestures for all of them to leave.

"B-But Haz, we don't give a shit about fir-" Harry cuts Niall off.

"Like I said, go back to all of your fucking classes because I don't like repeating myself!" Harry yells, his tone getting higher with each word he spat.

They all quickly left after that, leaving me alone with my bully and secret lover.

"It's okay now, Ariana. They're gone" Harry reaches a hand out for me as he gave me a soft smile.

I didn't hesitate to take his warm hand to hold with mine and let him help me stand up.

I hiss in pain, my free hand clutching my sides and if it wasn't for Harry's tight hold on my hand, I might've fell back on the ground.

"Zayn must've hit you so bad. I swear to god I will-" I cut him off.

"You will what, Harry? There's nothing you could do about your dumb ass so called friends of yours" I snap at him, immediately snatching my hand away from his hold.

"They're still my friends you're talking about, Ariana" Harry tries to defend his buddies.

"And what am I to you? Your friends' punching bag?" I decided to just walk away, no longer in the mood to attend school like I do always but I try to get through it to just graduate and get it all over with.

"You're my girlfriend, Ariana. Wait! Come on, please!" I hear Harry call for me before I hear his loud footsteps nearing mine.

"Leave me alone, Harry. I just want to go home" I wrap my arms securely around myself, trying to keep myself warm.

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