Harry Styles & Ariana Grande's Haunted House Adventure

267 13 6

Date Started: 11.2.17
Date Finished: 11.14.17
Summary: Based from Ellen's "Andy & Ariana Grande's Haunted House Adventure."


"And we're on in 3, 2, 1" The cameraman signals a go sign and I smile at the camera with Ariana's arms wrapped around my arm.

"Hello! My name is Harry Styles and I'm with this very lovely lady, Ariana Grande" I greet with a slight wave of my hand at the camera while Ariana does a peace sign.

"So we're about to enter the American Horror Story Maze here at the Universal Studios Horror Nights" I once again smile at the camera.

"We're about to go in.." Ariana looks at me and then trails off. Hearing the cameraman yell 'cut' in the background, I began to laugh at Ariana.

"You look even cuter when you're scared or in this case, trying to hide it" I smirk at her and she playfully smacks me at the back of my head.

"Shut up" She says with red tinted cheeks.


The camera starts rolling once we've entered through a long black curtain and began walking through a long hallway.

I remained silent as we both started looking around the place which were only decorated with dark and remorseful colors.

"It's fine" Ariana was first to speak and I agree with her by repeating her words.

"It's not bad" She says as we enter a room.

I can tell she was about to speak again but was cut off when a man wearing what seems to be a skin tight leathery material suddenly came reaching out from the wall.

"Ooh, fuck!" She screams, landing on her knees to the floor.

"Okay, come on. We got this" I reassure her, desperately trying to contain my laughter as we continue to go through the maze.

We enter another room and I decided to comment about how dark it was.

"It's hard to see" I add, hearing Ariana saying the same thing. She leans her head on my shoulder, covering her ears with her index finger as she tries to block out the creepy music playing from the speaker.

"Oh man.." She says.

"It's just a bed" I tell her until she started completely leaning her weight on me as she looks on her left.

"Oh it's bad. It's bad" She repeats while I shrug "It's just a bed."

After saying this, we looked back infront and almost instantly jumped at the sudden figure who was once again coming from the wall.

"Oh!" We scream at the same time before Ariana falls on her knees and I curse out loud.

"Oh my god, oh my god! N-no, n-no thank you, man" Ariana stutters while I tell the man to go back in the wall and close it.

Just when he closes it and we step forward, we look on our left and saw a man wearing a bloody costume also coming from the wall.

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