They Don't Know About Us Pt. 2

200 9 10

Date Started: 9.29.17
Date Finished: 9.30.17
Summary: In which Ariana is the victim and Harry is the bully that unfortunately fell madly in love with each other.


Taking a few glances at my lovely girlfriend that looks even lovelier with her wet look. She sings along to the song called "Girl Crush" that was playing on the radio while my hand nestled on her inner thighs, caressing her soft skin.

I sang the last chorus with her, smiling to myself on how perfect our voices sounds together as it creates perfect harmony.

Just as the song finishes, we arrive at our favorite destination. The place where we and everything began. From us meeting each other for the first time, me finally having the courage to tell the girl I really absolutely adore and love what I feel about her, our first kiss as a couple, me asking her to finally be my girlfriend, our first ever fight together until today.

Apparently, this place was hidden from other people in this town and without this, me and this lovely girl sitting beside me all wet and cold wouldn't have met or might've never been together in the first place.

It was the main reason why we both decided to call it our lake.

I know it's not the most clever name that you'll ever think or ever heard of but we both thought that it was perfect.

I snap out of my thoughts once I hear the soft voice of my girlfriend calling my name.

"Earth to Harry, are we going to swim or not?" Ariana asks as she grabs my hand that was on her thigh, urging me to go out and swim.

I smiled at her, creating deep craters on both my cheeks. "Of course, love"

I knew that we're both safe and hidden when we're here which means that I have nothing to worry about.

We both step out of the car with wide smiles on our faces. We lead each other to the lake, our hands intertwined.

I remove my shoes and let my big toe touch the surface of the water, which was surprisingly warm after the heavy rain.

Stripping all of my clothes down, I hear Ariana let out a small shriek. I looked back on her, just as I was about to remove my boxers.

"What the hell are you doing, Harry?!" She asks me before biting her lip in anxiety.

"It's okay, love. Just trust me" I say to her reassuringly.

Once I've removed everything and placed all of them in one small pile, I dived into the lake and quickly swam back up to the surface.

I wipe my face with my hands and ran a hand through my hair before turning to look back to where Ariana was.

Freezing in my spot, I feel like my lungs have been ripped out of my chest as I was unable to breathe properly. My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I took in the most beautiful and breath-taking sight.

There she was, naked with all of her curves in full show, letting me take a good look of how greek goddess looking she really was, probably even more beautiful than Aphrodite herself. There was a few medium-sized bruises on her sides, the water reaching her mid-thighs.

Our eyes meet and I quickly notice the uncertainty and shyness in her eyes. Almost immediately, she covers her chest but I was quick enough to assure her.

"No, no it's okay, babe. Just look at me" Right after I said that, I never once let my sight off of her.

Now both in the water, my arms involuntarily wraps itself around her tiny waist. Quickly reacting, Ariana wraps her arm around my neck while she uses her free hand to cup my jaw.

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