Ari Smells Ari

484 22 27

Date Started: 4.28.16
Date Finished: 4.29.16
Summary: Ariana plays 'Ari smells Ari' at the Ellen show and someone did a surprise visit.


"Now we will play 'Ari smells Ari' Ellen announces and I smile in excitement. I have always loved doing different things with Ellen. Her games never failed to be funny and cool.

"Now, you will wear this blindfold and then you will smell three people and guess which one of them is wearing your perfume or not" She instructs and I nod my head with a smile. "Okay"

She placed the soft cottony blindfold over my eyes and she grabbed my arm and placed her other hand on my back, guiding me to where these people are standing at.

I reached my hand out and immediately felt something wet. "Oh my god, it's wet" I say and the audience laughs and so does Ellen. "Why is it wet?" I laugh.

I reached my hand out again and touched something that felt like a nipple. "It's a nipple!" I exclaim and the audience laughs again with Ellen. "I touched a nipple" I say, already having fun playing this game.

"You can smell it where ever you want" Ellen says and I leaned my head over to take a sniff and I quickly recognized its smell. "That's baby powder" I say, feeling his heartbeat underneath the palm of my hand. "Oh my god, your heart is beating so fast" Ellen laughs and so does the audience.

"Alright, next one" Ellen says as she guides me towards the next one. I reached my hand out and felt something hard. "What is this? I don't know what body part this is" I continue to caress and squeeze, in hopes to know what body part it is.

"That's hard" I say and Ellen continues to laugh with the audience. "You're only smelling the same parts!" Ellen exclaims and I giggle just as the audience laughs. I move my head towards a new angle and finally knew what body part it is. "That's an armpit" I laugh with Ellen and the audience. My hands stays firmly on their chest. "That's a nipple" I say before we moved on to the next one.

"This is..." I trail off as I felt a familiar fabric and some of the audience laughs. I was deeply trying to wrap my head around it, feeling like I've already touched it before. I leaned my head close and instantly smelled the familiar scent of my perfume. "I think he's wearing it" I say.

"Alright, you may take your blindfold off now" Ellen tells me and so I did. Once the soft cottony fabric was removed from my face, my eyes looked up only to see a familiar mop of curls and emerald green eyes staring back at me. "Harry!" I squeal in pure shock and happiness as I quickly jumped over to hug him.

I nuzzle my head by the nape of his neck, feeling tears fill my eyes. I now recall how badly I miss feeling safe and warm everytime I'm in his arms. Slightly pulling away, I move my head up to kiss him. I don't care about how the audience or Ellen is watching us right now as our lips move in perfect sync, all I care about is the feeling of being in Harry's arms and the feeling of his soft plump lips against my own.

Harry lowly groans when I eventually pull away, leaning my forehead against his. "I missed you" I whisper, my eyes still closed. "I missed you too, Moonlight" He whispers back and I smile at the nickname he used, my cheeks reddening.

I pecked Harry's lips twice while he chuckles at my actions. I really do have missed him. Eight months away from him has left me longing for his presence.

Still engulfed in each other's arms, Ellen clears her throat and faces the audience with an awkward smile while she scratches the back of her neck, acting all awkward and nervous. We all laugh at her actions. "I hate to break it to you love birds but we've got some interviewing to do" She said and we made it back to where the seats are.

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