1. New Flame

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Who said you can't find love in the club?
'Cause I wanna tell them they're wrong
Come on, just, baby, try a new thing
And let's spark a new flame....
- Chris Brown

Brie's POV

"Hi," he said over the music as he looked down at me. His chocolate coloured eyes with specks of gold around the edges were focused directly on me as he gave me his full attention. "What's your name?"

"Aubrey but my friends call me Brie." I smiled; totally surprised that he came over to me and was even talking to me.

"Hi, Brie. It's really nice to meet you." He smiled, and I could see his dimple. His smile was shy not cocky like most guys who tried to pick up girls at the club were. I felt like he had reserved that smile just for me.

I nodded not knowing what else to say, I was completely dumbstruck. I mean it's not every day celebs come up to you at clubs and from what I heard about him he was pretty cocky. He seemed nice enough though, which completely caught me off guard.

He then leant in and spoke into my ear, his lips brushing against my skin from how close he was as he asked my age.

"I'm twenty one." I told him and he smiled.

"We're the same age then." he replied looking down at me.

I nodded and he moved his face away from my ears to look me in my eyes. His brown eyes so bright it felt like he could see right into my soul. I felt so intoxicated by him as he leant into my ear again so he could speak over the music. I guess it's so he could make sure that I could hear what he was about to say.

"This doesn't really seem like your type of scene." he asked.

"Can you tell?" I replied.

"Yeah, you don't seem to be one of the usual groupie types, they always end up dancing or talking to one of my friends trying to create a scene in an effort to get my attention." he said casually like it was nothing, looking at me again to see my reaction.

I looked just past him seeing my friends gaping at me from the other side of the VIP section. Their eyes were wide, fangirling over the fact that Justin Bieber was actually talking to me.

The last thing I wanted to do was go clubbing, I would have preferred to stay at home curled up with a good book at home or binge watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix all night till I passed out but it was an old friend of mine's 21st birthday. That's how I ended up at Opera Night Club with my bestie Cassie and two of our other friends, Natalie and Kelly. I'd never been to Opera but it was just as glamourous as I heard it was.

The club was pretty full when we arrived at 1pm and getting a bit crowded. Luckily the birthday girl had reserved a booth for us and all our friends. That's when I saw him. He was standing a little way away from me with his entourage talking to some girl as she smiled and tried to flirt with him. I say tried because you could tell it wasn't really working. His eyes had met mine a few times and he smiled as our eyes connected. I found myself smiling back shyly and looking down at my feet when his eyes moved away.

I had never been into celebrities other than your usual teenage crush and posters on the wall. Living and working as a stylist in LA I quickly found out that all they were interested in was getting into your panties and that just wasn't my scene. You would never be more than just pussy to them.

Although I understood that life I found myself super excited when just ten minutes later he came over to me where we were now standing in the corner not really into being labelled as a groupie of any kind.

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