34. California King Bed

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Brie's POV

Chest to chest
Nose to nose
Palm to palm
We were always just that close.....

I arrived at the restaurant a little earlier than we'd planned. I was so nervous that I had gotten ready way ahead of time and spent the early evening wringing my hands and staring at the clock. Basically, I'd just been driving myself insane.

My carefully planned outfit consisted of a pale pink chiffon dress, pulled in at the waist with a vintage Moschino belt that matched my shoes. I hoped that the cut of and material of my outfit would disguise my weight loss since an appointment with my doctor a few days ago had highlighted the fact that I was currently clinically underweight. Subsequently, I'd been advised to quit drinking and smoking but I wasn't sure how likely that would be. Though I hadn't had any alcohol in the last few days, I'd had a cigarette this afternoon to help calm my jittery nerves.

"Can I help you?" The woman at the front desk asked me as I approached nervously.

"Um, table for two under Bieber?" I responded in a voice barely above a whisper.

The lady looked down at her book, her finger dragging down the page. "Ah, yes." She said upon finding Justin's reservation. "Mr. Bieber hasn't arrived yet, but I'll get someone to seat you."


Less than a minute later, a waiter arrived and showed me to my seat in a private section of the fancy restaurant.

It was extremely strange being in a place like this again waiting for Justin. I'd barely seen the outside of my apartment in the last few months, so to return to a place like this again, not on work duties, felt almost alien.

I inspected the perfectly set table, the shiny cutlery, the gorgeous floral arrangement, and hoped that this heartbreakingly beautiful setting wasn't about to be the scene of a painful breakup.

My head shot up as I felt someone's eyes on me.

My eyes widened at the sight of Justin arriving in the private space he'd booked for us. It was like seeing him for the first time again. I'd forgotten just how handsome he was, how tall, how well built...

A waiter moved past Justin and quickly set two drinks upon the table, then disappeared just as soon as he'd done his duty.

I stood up on shaky legs as Justin approached the table timidly.

Feelings of love for him washed over me and made me feel like crying. I couldn't believe I'd put us in this position where our future was hanging in the balance.

Please, don't let this be over.

If only I could take it all back.

"Hi." He said quietly as he walked towards me, his arms twitching at his sides as if he was contemplating whether or not to hug me.

"Hi." I responded in a meek manner.

Justin reached out and I moved into his arms, embracing him. He smelled and felt just as good as I remembered.

It was so odd being in such close proximity to Justin again. To see every tattoo covering his arms and neck up close once more. I cursed myself for how I'd taken it for granted before.

We let go of each other and sat down in our seats.

"How have you been?" He enquired, in that deep raspy voice that I'd missed so much.

"Could be better." I responded simply. "You?"

"Same." Justin said with a sigh. His eyes quickly glanced over my face and my upper body that was visible over the table. "You've lost a lot of weight, Brie." He commented with an air of concern in his voice.

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