11. All Bad

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They try to get at me
Behind your back
Try'na tell me that I'm just like the others
But I ain't all bad...
- All Bad -  Justin Bieber

Aubrey's POV

My heart jolted at the sound of Justin entering our suite. His suite.

I didn't move an inch, my head didn't move even a millimeter for fear that if I even looked at him I'd simply implode. I was still in shock, in absolute disbelief that he really tried to play me like that.

I felt his weight on the bed beside me as he sat down and continued protesting his innocence but, unfortunately for him, I had zero interest in hearing what he had to say.

I flinched as he rested his palm on my back and his tirade of annoyance towards Jayde came to an abrupt halt.

"Brie, you seriously believe what she said?" He asked in disbelief as if he was the one who should be shocked, appalled and downright disgusted all at once.

"I just spent the last twenty minutes arguing with her in the hall, trying to get her to come in here and admit it to you but its clear to me that your mind is already made up." He pleaded.

"It really makes me even more sick that you can't just man up and admit it. Who am I to you for you to be pretending so damn hard, Justin?" I was bluffing a little, trying not to come of as just a little clingy to a man who wasn't my own even though it burned as if he was. I had to stay logical; I could not let my emotions get the best of me this time.

"Admit what? She's lying, Aubrey. She just owned up in the hall, if you weren't so quick to just leave you would have heard her!" Justin insisted. "And who are you to me? You want me to be out there fucking girls left right and center while I'm trying to get to know you?"

"I'm just saying, we are nothing to each other." Yes, my nonchalance was coming off as sincere. If only he could feel what I was feeling for real.

"And I'm just saying that I would be mad as hell if you were banging dudes the same time that I'm treating you good." He said, clearly becoming annoyed. "I KNOW you're not my girlfriend, Aubrey, you don't have to tell me that, I just feel its disrespectful if either of us were doing that shit. It would be different if we were just fooling around but I don't see you like that so please do tell me if I'm wrong."

I tried to block his words out of my head, I didn't want to feel them but he was saying the right things, the kind of things that I would dream of him saying in a situation like this but this was reality and Jutin had not done a good job of looking innocent thus far.

I took a moment to digest what he had said before responding. "If you didn't sleep with her four day ago then why did she say you did?"

"To get at you."

"Why though?" I asked. "You're the one who told me she was cool so why would she be trying to get to me?"

He sighed heavily for a minute. "After how you freaked out about her being here initially I didn't really want to tell you the full details of how she was acting."

I sat up, finally revealing my face and looking at him sideways. "What do you mean?"

He groaned, swiping his palms over his face. "Well, you know, it didn't end smoothly."

"Stop sugarcoating things, Justin."

"Godddd!" He exclaimed. "The point is; I didn't fuck her."

"Justin." I told him plainly.


We stared at each other dead in the eyes for a second, me with my 'not impressed' face on, him trying to stare me out.

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