13. Kiss Me

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And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now
Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved....
- Ed Sheeran

Brie's POV

I could hear Justin from where I stood in the kitchen, he was sat in my living room with his phone glued to his ear as it had been most of the day while I cleaned up my kitchen. I tried to focus my attention away from the disappointment that was building up within me from the lack of attention I'd been getting from Justin.

Everything in my kitchen literally glistened from all the time I had managed to spend cleaning while Justin chattered away to his manager on the phone. Words such as 'video' and 'tour' popped up every now and then and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as time continued to tick on.

I had never viewed myself as a needy person or an attention seeker but I felt as though this was getting a little ridiculous. I understood Justin had business to handle but how many times a day did Scooter need to call him? And text him? And email him? Better yet, could these conversations not wait a couple days especially since Justin had said himself that he didn't have a lot of work that he needed to get done right now and it was almost midnight for fucks sake!

After I decided that I couldn't take being ignored anymore, I went back to my living room to remind Justin that I actually existed and in hope that he may have separated himself from his cell phone for just a moment.

Thankfully he was just wrapping up his ten million year long phone conversation as I reappeared in the doorway of the room.

Justin turned his head to look at me as I leant against the door frame, looking at him, already feeling less annoyed by the smile that erupted on his face the second our eyes locked. He was so cute sometimes.

"There you are..." He said, tilting his head slightly, his smile making me feel all tingly inside.

My eyebrows raised. "Yup, here I am. Can you believe it?"

He detected my sarcasm almost instantly and dropped his head, laughing. "I'm sorry, I just had to talk through some stuff with Scooter real quick.

My eyebrows lifted even higher, threatening to rise up into my hairline meaning to say 'oh really' with just my facial expression.

Justin scratched his cheek. "Ok, maybe it wasn't that quick." I nodded. "You're mean, Brie."

I shook my head, smiling "I'm nice, Justin."

He gazed at me for a moment. He looked at me in a way that felt as though he was looking through me, almost as if he was reading my mind.

Justin's fingers tugged the hood of his grey hoodie lower on his head until it touched his eyebrows. He relaxed onto my plush sofa, his eyes not leaving mine for a second.

"Come here." He beckoned.

I leant up off the wooden door frame and walked over to where he sat.

Justin tipped his head up as I stood at his knees, directly in front of him. His hand reached out and grabbed mine, pulling me down onto him until I was sitting on his lap facing him, my knees either side of his thighs; a very compromising position to say the least.

"You mad?" He asked lowly, his face so close to mine that I felt his cool breath tickle my face.

I shook my head no.

The hand of his that had been holding mine was now on my waist and I was very concious of how little space there was between us. It was clear how much the energy between us had changed since we had our talk about trusting each other earlier on in the day. I felt like this moment was a continuation of how it would have been if we hadn't stopped talking after the first date, if things had gone smoothly. I decided in an instant that the best thing that could have happened was the gap between our first date and Vegas because God only knows what kind of mess we would be in if that hadn't occurred.

"No?" Justin asked, my gaze dropped momentarily to his mouth as his lips pouted when he formed the word. Those lips, God.

"Uh-uh." I breathed.

He stroked my cheek with the fingertips of his free hand, caressing my skin, before using it to guide my mouth to his.

His full lips brushed ever so gently over mine sending chills through my entire body, I leant in as it intensified. My hands wrapped around his neck while my fingers tangled in the soft hair at the back of his head as I drifted into another world.

Justin tugged gently on my bottom lip as he kissed me, his grip on my waist getting stronger and my heart thumped harder. I felt like I was floating on air and had absolutely no control over my body. The more he kissed me, the more I surrendered.

The feeling of Justin's hands on my bare skin sent me into overdrive. His fingers had worked their way under my top and he was now stroking the skin of my stomach. Up and down, up and down, from my bra, over my belly button, down to the top of my panties. His fingers dipped lower every time he stroked my skin.

With no resistance from me, he pulled off my top completely leaving me in just my bra on my top half. Justin had seen me in less clothes than this since I had been running around in a bikini in Anguilla but for some reason I felt insanely exposed. Possibly because I was so high up on his lap now that I was sitting right on his dick, if it wasn't for the material of our clothes he'd be fully penetrating me.

He stopped for a second and his honey colored eyes looked deep into mine.

"You are so beautiful" he whispered and then leaned in placing his lips gently on mine. He then ran his index finger slowly along the front upper edge of my bra and then traced it all the way around the curves of breasts. I watched his face as he did this. His eyes hooded and filled with such intense passion. This seemed so much more intimate than him kissing me. He'd barely touched me and yet I was already so wet.

"Tell me when you want me to stop." He said, his breathing heavy.

I leant toward him, his hands attaching to my hips as our bodies connected. "I don't."

I attached my lips to his again in a heated kiss, both of our body heats mixed together was causing us to sweat. I dragged my hands down his chest pulling the zip of his hoodie down until it hung open, while Justin's mouth moved from my lips to down to my neck, placing soft kisses along the way.

Justin kissed, licked and sucked the sensitive skin at the crook of my neck sending shivers up my spine, while his hands caressed my ass. My hips pushed down onto his groin, the feeling of him hardening only made me want him more. His lips moved downwards as he kissed me from my neck to the top of my breasts. I unhooked my bra, allowing the material to fall away from my skin before tossing it aside on the couch.

He instantly took my right breast into his mouth, his tongue flicked over my nipple as he sucked my skin. My desire for him causing my back to arch and my stomach to press against his as a moan escaped my lips.

Without warning Justin went from sitting position to standing, holding me up in his strong tattooed arms while keeping my body close to his and encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist as he moved swiftly from the sofa to my bed.

He laid me gently on the bed while he undressed. I couldn't see him at all in the pitch black room, I could only hear him breathing and the sound his clothes made as they hit the floor. Justin helped me out of my leggings and panties, leaving me fully naked and fully at his mercy.

He climbed on top of me still wearing his boxers. My breasts, still wet from his mouth, pressed against his chest while my legs wrapped around him. I could sense his hesitancy as he hovered over me and it made me anxious. We were way too far along for him to start thinking with his brain, most guys in this situation would be completely ruled by their nether regions but it seemed as though this was not the case with Justin.

"Brie..." He breathed.

"No, shut up and kiss me."

I pressed my lips against his, he really was fighting it and refused to kiss me back.

He pulled away from me, "I don't have any condoms."

He had to be fucking kidding me!

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