9. Far Side of The Moon

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So damn jaded
This uncertainty is so frustrating
I be up and mind I can't waiting
I'm too old for all these games we playing
I'm just saying
- Far side of the Moon - Tinashe

Brie's POV

The next few days were abound t to be a 'six day trial' for Justin and I. I had some much needed time off work booked and since I hadn't seen Justin in the two weeks since the trip to Vegas, we were both excited to see each other face to face instead of the phone calls and text messages that we had been making do with, so instead of waiting for a time when Justin would actually be in the country for us to see each other, he had taken it upon himself to fly me out to join him on his vacation. Not that I was complaining.

Justin had already been in Anguilla for a couple of days before I could come out so I'd only be able to spend the remaining three days of his trip on the island. Just enough time for me to chill out and spend some time with him before we headed to Miami for a couple appearances he had booked when I'd really get to see if I could tough it out with him when he lived the kind of life that he did.

The flight from LA to the Caribbean island of Anguilla seemed to take forever especially since I sat in my seat consumed by anxiety for the entire journey. I was so excited to see Justin but so nervous at the same time that I wouldn't be able to put up with the kind of things that I would experience within the next week. No matter how much I liked Justin, I wasn't the girl that would lie to myself and tell myself that everything would be okay and that I could deal with it if in reality I couldn't.

I wanted to be really honest with myself during this trial period and really was preparing myself for the worst but hoping with every part of my being for the best.

I scanned the airport for a familiar face; although there was virtually no paparazzi out here, airports were the worst place for getting spotted so Justin had sent his best friend Alfredo, who was vacationing with us, in a taxi to pick me up and take me back to where we were all staying.

Alfredo was a complete sweetheart on our journey from the airport to the resort, he was friendly but not too overbearing like some guys friends could be.

As we neared the hotel I received a text from Justin.

Justin: Just 2 let u kno... there are two other girls and Za out here with us... 1 of the girls I used 2 mess with....DON'T BE MAD!!!

My brow furrowed as I read the text over once more. What a punk move! Not only to not tell me in person but to keep it from me the entire time we had been planning for me to come out to see him!

I angrily typed out a reply to him on my iPhone.

Aubrey: WTF Justin??? Don't be mad? How about don't be a fucking punk in future?! You should have told me this before or at least told me in person!

Justin: If I told u b4 u wouldn't have come out 2 see me tho

Aubrey: Hell no I wouldn't have! Why would I wanna be on vacation with you and your hoe?

Justin: See what I mean..

Aubrey: Better yet, why would you have her here when you know I'm gonna be here??

Justin: This was already planned b4 Vegas when I thought me and u weren't gonna happen. I couldn't just tell her that she couldn't come.

Aubrey: Yes, Justin, you really could have. This is going to feel soooo uncomfortable with her there.

Justin: Y tho? I don't mess with her anymore!

Aubrey: It still will be! We just got to the hotel lobby, so I'll speak to you when I get to the room in a minute.

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