30. Go On Girl

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I was inviting, her into my heart
But she was out riding in some other man's car
She was my night time, thought I was her star,
Guess I was wrong, but see I'm strong
Won't take long for me to move on

Brie's POV

I stayed awake all night curled up watching One Tree Hill on Netflix, trying to take my mind off of Justin. His bags were still in my bedroom, a few items of his clothing hung off of my wardrobe door, he'd forgotten his phone charger. I kept telling myself that this meant that he'd be coming back to me but the fact that we hadn't spoken since he'd left hours before made me feel otherwise.

I wanted to text or call him but I couldn't work up the courage. He was so pissed at me and I was scared that if I angered him further then he'd fully break up with me and I couldn't take that. How could I have been so fucking stupid to risk losing him? I'd put my relationship with Justin in jeopardy but now that there really was a chance of us not being together I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

Wiping stray tears from my face, I blew out a stream of air. I felt like shit. It was horrible knowing that Justin was somewhere in LA but I was in bed alone because of what I'd done to him. It hurt me to know that I'd hurt him enough to make him not want to be near me. I thought he'd be furious when I told him about Derek, I thought he'd shout and scream at me but knowing that I had messed with his feelings was a million times worse.

Eventually morning came and I hadn't slept a wink. Still no word from Justin filled me with hope and dread simultaneously.

I dragged my exhausted body to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and one look at the half full glass of water he'd helped me sip when he thought he'd gotten me pregnant caused me to cry a fresh set of tears. I missed and loved Justin. I would go crazy if he left me.

A knock at the door made me jump. I raced to answer it as fast as my legs would take me, expecting to see Justin, hoping he had forgiven me. I opened the door eagerly, with anticipation running through me, only to see Fredo on the other side of the door.

"Hey Brie," he said sheepishly, looking visibly uncomfortable, "Justin sent me to collect his stuff."

My mouth opened and shut like a goldfish as words failed me. Fredo gave me a sorrowful look and tears clouded my vision.

"What? Why?" I asked. "Why didn't he come himself? He didn't even call me."

Fredo shrugged in response. I could tell from his face and his body language that this really was very awkward for him but it made me feel no better.

The first of many tears began to fall from my eyes. I was confused. Was this it? Was it over? It couldn't be. I couldn't take that.

"Fredo, please don't let him do this." I pleaded with a shake of my head as I reached into my pocket for my phone.

"Brie," he sighed, "I can't - How am I meant to stop him?"

I was looking down at my IPhone and trying to unlock the keypad but I was crying too much to see the keys well enough to type in my password.

"He listens to you." I croaked. "He'll do what you say to him."

"No he won't." Fredo replied sadly. "And, as much I like you and think you are a great girl, you cheated on my best friend! Why would I want someone who's like a brother to me to get his heart crushed?"

"I didn't mean to hurt him." I sniffed. I must have looked so crazy, standing there in sweats, my hair everywhere, crying like a baby. "This wasn't meant to happen. My ex means nothing to me, I was just confused and I needed to sort my head out. I love Justin, I swear. Please, please talk to him for me."

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