21. Same Mistakes

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Circles, we're going in circles
Dizzy's all it makes us
We know where it takes us
We've been before...
Same Mistakes – One Direction

Justin's POV

"Aubrey, can you hurry up already!"

I called to her from her bedroom as she applied her make up in the bathroom of her LA apartment. We were already over an hour late to Za's girlfriend Atifa's birthday celebration and Brie was moving in slow motion getting ready.

"You don't need to be rude." Brie told me as she came back into the room and began rustling around in her wardrobe. My eyes wandered over her body; she looked so beautiful in her little skirt, fitted crop top and high, high heels. "I can't find a thing in this room now that you brought this big bed in here." She grumbled throwing a glare at both me and the bed that I was sitting on.

"You were trying to kill with me that little bed you had in here before." I said referring to the single bed she had in here. How could she be mad at me for replacing it with a king-sized bed when her old bed almost crippled me by being small? "You said I could get you a new one anyway."

"After you bribed me by telling me you wouldn't stay here if I didn't let you." She said matter-of-factly.

"I said I COULDN'T stay here, due to the fact that I couldn't fit in the bed comfortably."

She huffed but my attention was diverted to my iPhone that was vibrating in the pocket of my jeans. I was officially a one phone man; no more groupie phone for me. I'd been groupie free since before Brie and I made things official about two months now, I was damn proud of myself, I didn't think it'd be possible as I'd never had a good track record with being faithful. I unlocked my phone seeing a message from Kendall.

Kendall: Where u at? Everyone is here but you

I replied saying we'd be there soon and slipped the phone back into my pocket. I encouraged Brie to move faster once again since it seemed all my friends were waiting on us.

"I'm ready to go." She announced finally a mere fifteen minutes later as she slipped her jacket on and grabbed her purse from beside me on the bed.

"By the way," I started saying as I got up and straightened my clothes out. I was not looking forward to her reaction to what I was about to say so I'd put it off for as long as I could.

"There's uhh, a few girls that will be there tonight that I used to know." I rattled off nervously. I watched her as she digested my words and my meaning dawned on her.

"Are you fucking serious?" She cursed.

"Brie..." I slipped my hand into her jacket and pulled her towards me by her waist, she didn't push me off of her which was always a good sign. "It's not a big deal." I kissed her forehead.

She sucked her teeth and pulled away from me while wiping the spot where I'd kissed her. "Yeah, not to you." She said tiredly as she closed her jacket. "Let's just go."

I followed her out of her empty apartment feeling slightly off balance. I was ready for her to cuss me out and was definitely taken aback that she hadn't. It'd only been a week since the pictures of me and her surfaced on the internet, maybe she'd gotten used to this life already. Or not.

I started up my white Ferrari 458 Italia and glanced over at her solemn face. "You gonna have that face on all night?"

"Doubt it." She said without looking at me. "Just let it pass, ok?" She brought her palm up to her forehead and rested her elbow on the side of the door.

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