3. Happiness

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I gotta hurry, hurry, hurry
Now quick, quick, quick
Just step on the gas 'cause I don't wanna miss this
See what you're bringing me boy is priceless
I gotta be out of my mind not to try this...
- Alexis Jordan

Brie's POV

That night after I had managed to get home early from work. I was sitting in the living room of the apartment I shared with Cassie watching Catfish. The apartment was located in downtown LA. It wasn't very big but it was cosy and had enough room for the both of us. It had two rooms and a small living room that was opposite the kitchen just as you entered the front door. Both our rooms were the same size.

We shared a bathroom though which wasn't so bad, well that is unless Cassie had her boyfriend Mark over. Then I had to deal with him leaving the toilet seat up which totally irked my soul. One time I swear I almost fell in the toilet bowl after sleep-walking my way to the toilet.

Mark was pretty cool though. Him and Cassie have been dating for six months now and sometimes I would feel a slight pang of jealousy whenever I saw them together cuddling or doing couple things.

I had been single now for the past year after my last boyfriend Nathan and I had broken up because he was extremely possessive and overbearing. It ended really badly to say the least and I was not looking to get into another relationship in a hurry. That's why I wasn't really looking to give Justin my number when we met. I mean, not that we were anything yet but I just wanted to focus on my career. Sometimes though, I did miss having someone to cuddle with and talk to, especially when I saw Mark and Cassie together.

The door bell rang and just as I was about to get up to answer the door to the delivery guy my phone beeped indicating I had a new message. I picked it up seeing it was a new message from an unknown number and dropped it back on the couch. I decided to get the door first before checking it since I was starving. Cassie and I had ordered Chinese takeout like we had planned earlier in the day and I was so happy to be home early for a change. Cassie and I barely hung out anymore since my job requires long hours and Cassie usually slept over at Mark's when he wasn't over at our apartment.

I grabbed my wallet off the kitchen counter before walking to open the front door. The delivery guy handed me our order while I handed him the payment and a tip. Cassie called to me from the living room asking who was at the door. She was so engrossed in the episode of Catfish that she didn't hear the doorbell.

"Our takeout is here" I answered her as pushed the door closed with my waist, food in my hands as she came bounding up to the small kitchen island to meet me and help with the bags.

We usually ordered a lot of food even though it was just the two of us. It was surprising that we managed to stay so slim since we always ate so much. After we finished eating and got started on watching another episode of Catfish, I remembered that I had a message waiting on my phone. I opened the message realizing it was from Justin.

Justin: Hey you! It was really nice spending time with you today.

I smiled at the message and typed in a reply

Brie: Yeah it was 😘

He replied a few seconds later.

Justin: So what are you up to?

Brie: Just chilling at home watching Catfish, u?

Justin: At the studio finishing up some songs for the album

Brie: Cool, will you let me hear any of them?

Justin: Maybe, it depends....

Depends on what? I thought to myself, typing in my reply, asking him just that.

Justin: whether or not you keep me around.

Brie: I just might, if you behave 😉

He didn't reply right away and I got a little worried, but I continued watching the tv until I heard my phone beep again.

Justin: I always behave....

Brie: If you say so Bieber

I replied smirking to myself, pleased with my answer. I was never much of a fan of his but I was excited to hear his new music. He had a couple good songs.

Justin: I can't wait to see that pretty face again, you have the most beautiful eyes and hair.

I was officially blushing at my phone when I read the message he sent. Cassie looked over at me with a confused look on her face.

"Why are you smiling like a fool at your phone" she asked, eyeing me.

"No reason" I replied, looking at my phone still.

"You're a damn liar, lemme see, is that Justin?" She asked, an amused look on her face.

"Maybe" I lied.

"It is, isn't it? You sneaky bitch" she squealed at me, trying to grab my phone but I pulled it away from her.

"He finally called and you didn't think to tell me" she accused.

"I was gonna but we got caught up with the tv and the food" I replied.

"You like him, I've never seen you blushing so hard over a guy, like ever" Cassie said.

"Am not!" I replied childishly. I was kinda developing a small crush but I didn't want it to show.

"Tell him, he better take you out somewhere nice if he ever expects to get any, you ain't no cheap trick" she said plainly before looking back at the tv.

I laughed her off before replying to Justin's most recent message asking if I was still there.

Brie: I am lol....just being harassed by my bestie Cassie, she was with me at the club that night we met.

Justin: oh ok, I think I remember. So when are you free for that date?

Brie: ummmm......maybe on Tuesday, I'm off that night.

Justin: Cool, is 7pm good for you? I'll pick you up after I'm done at the studio.

I replied yes and he replied that he would see me on Tuesday and that he was really looking forward to it. I squealed so hard in excitement over our confirmed plans I made Cassie jump.

We both stayed up late that night fangirling over the fact that I had an actual date with Justin Bieber, the object of millions of girls fantasy's.

We ended up watching some of his videos on YouTube after Catfish had ended. He really was so attractive. How did I not notice until now and that confident video did things to me. This can't be real.

I had to be careful about this though, he is known to be a womanizer. Was I even ready for this? This is so unlike me.

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