31. Breaks My Heart

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Baby, it breaks my heart
To think that lovin' me is not so easy to do
And I don't mean to make it hard
Sorry for all the changes I put you through.....
- Monica

Brie's POV

I couldn't bear to stand there helplessly and just watch as Justin walked back into the apartment building. I felt as though I'd lost complete and utter control of myself. This situation had completely pushed me over edge but all I had in my head was this overwhelming need to keep Justin in my life.

"Don't walk away from me!" I screamed after him. He didn't even bother to look back, he just carried on walking.

Fredo called my name but I ran after Justin and pulled him so hard by the back of his t-shirt that it stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Justin snarled, turning around to face me. He grabbed my upper right arm aggressively and dragged me into the waiting elevator with him.

With the way he was looking at me, I really should have been scared. He looked absolutely furious though he wouldn't look directly at me. I was so desperate to hang on to him that I wasn't even concerned what would occur inside the walls of Fredo's apartment although I was well aware that if shit did get physical then it was a battle I was sure to lose.

Justin's tight grip on my arm remained until we got into Fredo's apartment. He pulled me into a bedroom that it appeared he'd occupied the night before and threw me onto the bed roughly.

"I swear to God, Brie." He growled, massaging his neck as he paced up and down the small room.

I guessed that I had strangled him a little bit when I pulled him by his shirt but it wasn't my fault, he was ignoring me. "I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

"I don't even wanna hear it." He snapped back.

I started to cry again which seemed to annoy him because he sucked his teeth and told me to, "Shut the hell up."

Justin grabbed his phone off of the windowsill where it had been charging and sat down heavily on the end of the bed with all his attention on that dumb device.

The minutes passed and my tears hadn't let up but neither had the silent treatment I was getting from Justin. I was so tempted to kick him in his back, I could reach from where I was, but he'd kick my ass. I wondered if it was worth it.

"You don't give a shit about me anymore do you?" I asked. I got nothing but silence in return. "JUSTIN!" I shouted and he visibly tensed up. I crawled toward where he was and pushed him in his back but he still didn't respond to me. "You don't care do you?" Nothing. "JUSTIN TALK TO ME!"

I got up out of the bed and walked round in front of him. He didn't even look up or acknowledge my presence in any kind of way.

I don't know what came over me, but one second I was just standing there, and the next I had grabbed his phone out of his hands and thrown it so hard against the wall that it smashed into pieces upon impact.

We both looked at the wall, down at the phone then our gazes locked with each other's. I could tell from the look in his eyes that I had crossed the line but I didn't care.

He snatched me up faster than I could have imagined. His strong fingers dug into my delicate skin. Justin pulled me down towards him by my shoulders so that we were eye to eye; his deep brown eyes were just burning with fury, I had really really really pissed him off but I was glad. I wanted to laugh. I didn't give a fuck.

Justin just held me there for a second. I'd probably have bruises from how much his fingers were digging into me. In the back of my mind I knew that I was in pain but my brain wasn't processing anything properly.

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