12. Not A Bad Thing

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So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me
Cause you might fuck around to find your dreams come true, with me
Spent all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free
So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me...
Not a bad thing - Justin Timberlake

Brie's POV

I hummed mindlessly as I filled a glass up with water in the kitchen of the apartment Cassie and I shared. I'd been back from Anguilla for three days and was eagerly awaiting Justin's arrival, he was already on his way from Miami and I was super eager to see him to the point of feeling anxious.

"Brie!" Cassie called from my bedroom.

I picked up my glass and headed down the hall towards her.

"What the fuck is this?" She asked in amusement once I had entered the room, pointing at the clothes I had laid out on the bed.

"What?" I asked in confusion. "What's wrong with them?"

I had decided to put on just a pair of leggings and a crop top; nothing special, but not too underdressed.

"I walk around in stuff like that all the time."

Her sarcastic smile widened.

"Not the clothes, Aubrey, the panties." Cassie cackled as my facial expression turned from confusion to embarrassment. "Hanky Panky thongs, girl? It's like that, huh?"

"I always wear those!" I said in objection.

"Oh, whatever!" She said smirking at me.

"I have a draw full of them! They're not new!"

My protests seemed to be falling on deaf ears as Cassie continued to insist that I bought them only for Justin's stay over at our apartment.

"So bae is not gonna see your sexy underwear then?" She raised her eyebrows as if to challenge me.

I shrugged then folded my arms tightly across my chest as she let out a howl of laughter.

"Cassie, don't. I'm nervous." I said, frowning, trying not to join in with her.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." She blew out streams of air in an attempt to calm herself. "It's so obvious ya'll are going to be getting down to business though." She said once she had sorted herself out.

"That's not true!" I lied

Cassie rolled her deep brown eyes. "Well I'm just glad I'm not gonna be here, I do not wanna hear you two going at it."

"Who said we're about to do anything though?" I said, a little frustrated.

"You two will finally be completely alone, why wouldn't you? I'm surprised you guys have lasted so long. Shoot, I would have been holding on tight a long time ago."

I smirked at the song references.

"Stop being such a square, Brie." She advised. "Live a little."

"I'm scared." I admitted childishly.

"Yeah I know, right. I heard he is packing, too."

I sucked my teeth, unable to stop the laughter that erupted from my lips. "Not that, Cas. Damn, you are so nasty!" She giggled. "I just don't want to get too attached to him, you know?"

"Too late, you two are already waaaaay down that road." She replied then turned on her heels and bounded out of my room leaving me to ponder what she had said.

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