School fiasco

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The next day, I went to school.  Things at school were quite bizarre since I had won a beauty pageant a few days ago.  Everybody was holding up the 'Teen vogue' magazine in which I had been interviewed when I sashayed into my homeroom.  Some sixth graders even tried getting an autograph from me!  A day like this happened almost every 2 months.

When I got to my locker, I tossed my hair at a nerdy geeky girl named Lola.  She just looked at the floor.  A new girl was standing right next to her smiling broadly she looked geektastic (geeky in every possible way!), she gushed in a faint voice, "OMG!  I have been waiting for this day for years!  I finally meet Miss California!  Could you, please give me an autograph?  I have watched all of your videos on your channel, the reviews if you on magazines and much more......"

"Oh?  What's your homeroom?  By the way, I LOVE your shirt."  I was being sarcastic, but the brown-haired girl with big blue eyes actually believed I liked it, and grinned from ear to ear.

"I'm being sarcastic genius!"  I snapped.

The Designer GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora