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I tucked myself in bed, I lay in bed tossing and turning, I just couldn't sleep.  I look at the moonlight, I looked at my new pledge, I looked at my room, I looked at my billboard there was a collage of pictures.  I guess even warriors are sometimes restless.

I saw a slit of moonlight from my window, it calmed me down.  I heard the roar of my parent's car's engine.  I closed and pretended to snore softly.

They barged through my bedroom door, clearly not caring whether I was asleep or not.

"Why the hell was her window open?!"  My mother screeched.

"She was up to something I am sure."  My father shrieked.

In my mind, my brain was yelling "You ignorant, reckless girl!  Now look what you've done!"

"Sasha, you're not a great actor, we know you're not asleep, come and talk to mommy and daddy."  They said in unison.

I ignored them.

"SASHA!  Talk to us this instant!"

No reply came from me.

"You will regret this I am sure.  I am counting to three and then if you don't reply then you will be so sorry later.  ONE, TWO, THREE!"

Not a peep from me.

They slammed the door on me, then my mother reopened she was whispered "Your silly game will end Sasha, you brat!"

Not even the slightest cough or wheeze from me.

Oh how satisfying it was to just ignore my parents!  They were so ignoramous, and funny to listen to.

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