Homeroom time

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From the corner of my eye, I heard Lola conversating with the new girl apparently her name was Ellie May.  I mean her first name was actually Ellie May!  Anyways I saw that Lola was giving EM (Ellie May)  an I told you so look.

Lola was this girl that tried avoiding me at any cost, she hated my snarky comments.  In 5th grade, I had taught her a lesson for her know-it-all attitude.  Since she knew everything I decided she would do all the work in a research project, and then, I took all the credit.

I sauntered into homeroom and smiled sweetly at my homeroom teacher Miss Thomas.  I took my seat next to my friends Melissa, Vicky, Brittany and Alexa.  Obviously they had heard about the whole EM situation because they smirked when Miss Thomas introduced the new student.

When we were getting ready for first period, they came to me and high fived me. 

"You dealt with the new girl what's it's name so well."Brittany told me in her high pitched voice.

"Yah!  Totes."  The others seconded.

"Actually-my name is not what's it's name, it's Ellie May."  EM squeaked.

"You said what? Eskimo Mat- is that your name?"  Melissa asked indignantly.

My posse smirked and laughed aloud.  Finally I said "Watch it Eski, we don't have people order us around."  I narrowed my eyes at her, shook my lips and turned around and tossed my hair.

The Designer GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora