The key to my heart unlocked

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"Do you have a hairpin of some kind?"He asked me.

"What girls don't?"I asked indignantly

"A lot."He retorted.

"Yeah well then I'm not the description of a lot!  How many girls have professional careers at the age of 12?!  How many girls have the title 'Ms California'?!  How many girls have to act perfect and composed every single second of their life, because if I don't everybody's gonna say 'Oh my god!'  then, my parents would be disgraced!?  I mean- I have to take EVERYTHING seriously!  Or else..."

"Blondie, I understand you more than you think. Sometimes you just have to let go, and not take things too seriously."

"That's you!  You don't have to live up to your parent's expectations!  Easy for you to say, everything is smooth and nice in your life, never need to fear about what other's think right?!  Just cruise along, EVERYTHING WILL ALWAYS BE ALRIGHT, well- snap out of it!"

He gave me a long trying look as if he was hurt.

"If you never calm down and relax what is the use of life?"

"WELL, obviously to be somebody great and important."

"Or not." He said quietly.

"Not all people have privileges like you do.  Not all people are as rich as you, not all people are-"  He added.

"Not all people this and that.  Bleh bleh."  I imitated him.

He silently walked away, he didn't even turn around.  I realised how much of a fool I was.

"Wait-wait."  Now I had risked my pride.  Yet he still kept on walking out of my way.  

Step by step.

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