A Real Family Member

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I rang the bell at the door of my maternal grandmother's door. A familiar figure opened the door, the figure stared at me before I remembered she was the make-up artist Bella.
"Oh hi Sweetie, Sasha right? Come in, I was expecting you!" She cheerfully announced.
"Hi." Just to hear somebody as amiable as Bella made my heart jump. But...why was she here? Things were getting strange. I walked in the room, and was amazed by the room, the room was slick and span. The walls were a thick creamy white, the furniture was in pastel colors and the curtains had spots and splatters of colorful and sparkly dust, most likely eye shadow. A woman in her 60s, looked up her hair was chocolate brown, and her eyes glistened emerald green of mermaid's bodies, she was brewing tea in the dainty little kitchen.
"Ma, Sasha's here. You know, Alissa' s daughter." Bella announced.
"Of course I know, how could I forget anyways?" My Grandmother announced.
"Do sit down m'dear." Grandma said.
So I say down and had tea on a porcelain cup with a plate that had a golden coat.
"Miss, I don't want to be rude or direct in any way, but can I ask you...who am I? Yes I know I'm Sasha Melissa Bleu, but what does that mean? You see...all my life I've thought I knew who I was, but now I must question my identity...my family members...and the ones I love most. And I understand that to start anew I must face terrible odds, but also the truth. So I have come to you in hope of a key to my past that will unlock my future." I ranted on.
"You're right it's time to face the truth. Bella close the curtains, make sure nobody is here." My Grandmother demanded.
"You are the daughter of Alissa Karson and Robert Bleu. Alyssa is my beloved daughter, now dead-bless her soul. She was murdered in her bed while resting, Anderson Linwood murdered her shortly after childbirth. A few hours later Robert was killed too while mourning your mother's death, he thought she had died at childbirth. The nurse taking care of Alissa was hurt badly, and a replacement was bribed to declare your mother's death a childbirth problem. The death of Robert went unseen, and Linwood let the mastermind behind it reveal his identity he was Timothy Marks. He pretended to be your father and his accomplice Miranda Lars your step mom. Timothy had snuck in the hospital and changed your appearance by simply requesting it as he was pretending to be your father. He did this so that you would not look at all Robert or Alissa." The Truth sure took its time to reveal itself!

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