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"Sweetie, do you really think we killed your grandmother?"  My 'mom' said ever so sweetly.

"You know you really are such a suspicious girl-not that that is a bad thing really, too trusting means too foolish-right?"  She continued.

"Get to the point."  I muttered

"She killed herself."

So that was it.  They were not going to tell me the truth.

"Wrong!  You did it.  Don't lie I KNOW.  Why would she kill herself?"  Anger escaped every pore of my skin.  And it did its fiery dance all around me.

That was it.  I didn't remember anything after that point, it was like I died mentally or I just blacked out.  I was thinking I was in 'mental heaven' when something hit my head.

The Designer Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें