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While I was feverishly running, I was thinking about where to seek refuge.  Grandma's home was not a good idea, my parents would be sure to check.  My feet were making much more progress than my mind, I had nowhere to stay, no money, and no idea whatsoever.  While I was running, little did I know that a boy my age was watching me, from the window of his house.  That boy was using binoculars to spot me, and he sure was in a rush to get out of the house when he recognized me.  Running, was tiring, but it was my only way to not face the reality, that I had truly gone crazy.

My eyes saw blurs of things, like a watercolor painting, there are no tiny details, you can just see the major things, but somehow all the major things blend in together nicely.  A blur of a boy in a red cap, was dashing towards me.  All  I could think was it was not a boy, it was my father chasing me.  The thought of my father chasing was not too bad, sure he had been hypnotized by mother and all.  But, maybe he was chasing me because he loved me, because he missed me, perhaps he would take me away from my stepmom, maybe we would live a quiet, happy and peaceful life.  When I use the 'father', I don't mean the man who hits me and shoves me in the car.  I mean the man who cares for me, and protects me.

It turns out the boy was Julian and he was running towards me, because he had followed my parents to dinner, the night I crept out.  This was all told in a hurry, and he inquired why I was running.  I told him to run away from my family.  A wry grin crossed his face, he offered if I would mind staying at his house, so he could truly understand what the family hullabullo was really about.

His house, was small and flat, it's yellow paint was wearing off, the front yard garden was untended, and weeds sprouted out of the grass.  It was no "fancy" house, yet I would have given anything to live there, or so I thought.  

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