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I said nothing afterwords, my green eyes were flashing dangerously and I was sure Melissa noticed it.  She led me back to the make-up room, and shoved me in the door.  I had to undergo yet again the tedious process of getting ready.  After that I lined up in line outside the shooting room (where they took photos). I was getting really anxious, and started twitching and tapping me foot.

"Girl, what'cha doing? Not tap dancing, are you?" One of the photographers asked. Before I could even answer he had already pushed me into the white paper background.

"Hey you, I want you to cross your arms," I crossed them."good! That's how you do it. Now I'm going to turn the fan on, so don't be surprised, it will blow at your hair. Now, look straight at me- no! Not in that goofy way!"I tried again."yes like that. Hey! Don't slouch, stand up like a lady! Now lean your weight to one side of your of your legs, so that your hips show." I silently obeyed. "No! Not like that, lean more! Not that much, ok? You don't need to exaggerate it that much! Argrrh, no! Look at yourself, you look ridiculous, why can you not stare at me without that impish look?! When I finally get done with directing you, you just start throwing my tips away and forget everything! We'll have to do with another model then!" A man with a clipboard whined.

"Krispin escort her out, tell her parents she's not fit for the job!"

Oh no.

My parents are going to kill me.

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