Puppet on strings

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I was sitting in Grandma's cozy and snug house, eating roast chicken for dinner.  The dinner table was unusually quiet, you could hear the clatter of cutlery.  Light was still streaming in from the window, we eating awfully early because of my grandma's weird eating habits.

The chicken was wonderfully succulent and tender, the meat was a baby pink, and the condiments accompanying the roast chicken was even better.  The sauce was oily and salty and the aroma was the best part of it.

I was used to pretty things, beautiful things, but Grandma's house was a different kind of beautiful.  It was  grand, it was not pretty, but it was majestic.  When I was younger , I had thought that Grandma's elegant house, would have suited a scholar very well.  Grandma's house had all different tones of dark colors, from the lightest wood brown to the darkest mahogany.

It was a colossal house, it was as old as the hills.  For generations my paternal family lived there, their very shadows and memories haunted (in a pleasant way) the house.

"Mom, can I stay at Grandma's for the weekend? I have a family history and I need to interview her."

"Well, I suppose so.  I guess Grandma will have to drive you to the photoshoot for Cosmopolitan tomorrow at 11:00 SHARP."


"Goodbye, sweetie." She said coldly, I knew she was still angry about the window, even though she was very discreet.

She slammed the door shut, BAM!

Grandma muttered softly "Sasha, I have something to tell you, I probably should have told you before."  

Grandma locked the door, looked from side to side.  Clearly she was scared that somebody may be eavesdropping.

"I just don't think it's right for Alexa to use you like this, all these photoshoots like you are a model.  All these interviews, you're only a kid.  It's just not right..."  She drifted away, she shaking and obviously sobbing.

"Your real mother-"

"Real mother?  What are you talking about?"  I was panicking, sweat trickled from my forehead.

"Yes the one you think is your mother, is not."  Now she said more softly "Your mother at child birth, she loved you dearly, and wrote a letter to you, she knew she was dying.  Your father heartbroken, tried to find somebody to care for you, he was too obsessed in his grief, he didn't care much about you because he just couldn't overcome sorrow.  I feared for you dear, who would care for you?  So I volunteered, your grandfather and I cared for you for 3 years.  Meanwhile, your father just wanted somebody to bind his heart together, he lost a great piece of his heart after your mother died.  He was desperate, then came Alexa.  Alexa was so charismatic and so cunning and clever, she knew she could use your father's grief to control him, he would do anything for another wife.  When she first met me and you, she was like a wolf, her eyes gleamed with greed, you were always pretty, and she could use like a puppet too.  She brought you back and you were never told that she was really a foster parent. She didn't care for your father nor you.  She just saw the money that would be hers, she could live a luxurious life without earning it."

"What about you know, my beauty?"

"What about that dear?  Your mother was beautiful, you are the shadow of her."

"I thought-"I stopped, I took a deep breath, so I did not have artificial beauty!

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