A Meeting

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When we got to Santa Monica after about a few hours of riding, Julian's hair was literally a wet mop of hair. Everything inside me ached and the only thing fueling me right now was fear. Fear that if I didn't peddle my one known family member would just disappear and I would truly be an orphan.
After a few minutes we parked our bikes and walked into the building where my grandma lives. The last at the reception wanted to talk to me, so I told Julian and Josephine to go up first.
"What's your name dear? Where do you live or are you visiting?" She inquired.
"Oh I am Sasha and I am going to visit my cousin Bella and her mother."
"Why that is quite odd, a couple just went to visit them too. Please print your name on the registration form."
I scanned the piece of paper and my heart dropped, 'mom and dad' were visiting! I scribbled my name and ran up.
The door was wide open. And I saw Julian and Josephine tied up their mouths were shut with a cloth. I cautiously peered inside into my Grandma's room. The sight sent me tumbling back onto the wall. My Grandma was dead. And I was trapped between the two murderers the ones I had known all my life as my parents.

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