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It was now the night and I was sitting on top of Josephine's bed on the upper level, while Josephine was reading a gossip magazine, while taking a selfie. Julian was in the bathroom. When Josephine had arrived Julian tried to explain that I was a classmate and that we were doing a group project on Antarctica. Josephine mistook the explanation for an excuse to date me, no matter how hard Julian tried, Josephine would not listen. In fact while Julian was in the bathroom taking a shower she gave me a wink and told me all about Julian and his most embarrassing moments. I really liked Josephine although I found her a bit chatty. Anyways, right now I was looking at phone, the light from my phone illuminated my deeply exhausted face. The curtains were open and the lights were closed I could see the starry night sky, and I wondered how many troubled girls were looking up at the night sky looking for guidance from the stars in the world. My granny and I have a special chat just for us so I texted At a friend's house, don't worry about me, everything is fine! Did those monsters come to your house to find me? I am truly sorry for the trouble I caused you today, please forgive me. I always use Pig Latin for texting with Gran, therefore my parents wouldn't know what I typed. I did not expect my frail and sickly grandmother to immediately text back. I've been worried about you all day those monsters are at my house eating, their cover story is that you are at home and are grounded. Now that I know that you did run away, I think they are trying to find you. OH NO! I heard a crash, best go down and see what they've broken! I waited five more minutes then Granny sent this audio message. The Devils, they've broken Grandpa's cuckoo clock from Germany! They're trying to find you, they are acting very hostile towards me and have finally told me the reason why they are here! I could hear screaming and a loud bang, Grandma's voice was shaky, and I was sure she was crying. Her husband's cuckoo clock was a gift to her when they got married. It was a large wooden clock, every hour two swans would pop out, you could see the machinery moving outside because there was a glass panel, the clock was near the top. It looked a bit like a miniature Big Ben.

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