Morning early birds

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After the conversation, both of us went to bed.  It was only 5:00 AM, when there was a knock on the door, I was already awake (I had never really gone to sleep that night).  Before I even got out of my bed, I heard the key to the door unlocked.  White harsh light was shining in even though the sun was still rising.

Panic rose in me, what would I do?  Who was it?  What should I do?  Should I wake Grannie?  All these questions floated in my mind.

There was the silhouette a man and his harsh rasp "Sasha, you're coming with me."

Just a few feet from me was my parents, I didn't feel happy at all, I felt like I was being kidnapped.

A strong firm hand grabbed me out of my bed, I winced my father was holding onto my arm, like he was falling from a cliff and I was a twig, his only hope of survival.  He pushed me roughly to the door.  I struggled this time, I actually dared to defy my parents in a physical way!  I pulled at the table corner, but my father was pulling with so much force, that I fell to the ground.

I gritted my teeth "I'm not leaving here.  I don't care."

"Stop being such a baby, come with us."

I grabbed hold of a nearby chair, threw it with all my might at my father.  It crashed into his chest, and the measly plastic chair just splintered.  This though gave me more time to run into the house.

My father was panting, all of his energy was out of his body.  This time a different hand grasped at me, and I smelt the Chanel 4 perfume scent, perfect smooth nail polished nails gouged me, I yelped out in pain.  

"GO AWAY FROM ME, YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER!  GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!  I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!"  I screamed and wailed,I was on the verge of tears.

My mother threw like a ball to my father, he stuffed me in the car, helped me put on my seatbelt.  And off we went.

While in the car I was pounding my fist anywhere, kicking furiously, and flinging my once beautiful blonde hair.

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