Ritsu Last

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I slowly packed my things that night.

I know running away won't solve my problems, but at least I'll be able to restart my life again.

Thinking of what canned foods to pack, clothes to store in my large bag or job I'll get there. Obviously, I'm quitting school. Didn't know this had that much effect on my life. I became angry at myself.

If only we didn't think of dating... Then life would've stayed the same. I wouldn't have met Makoto, and Rin. It won't be avoidable that they'll start to worry about me.

"Sis." I see my brother with blank eyes. I avoided his gaze. He went closer, reached out his hand and made me wear a necklace with a cross pendant.

"This will protect you sis."

I smiled. Even though he was a noisy child, he was as sensitive as me. I never would've survived all these years without his concern.

"Thank you."

Tying my shoes, I exhaled out air as I was preparing to race down the empty road. It was almost ten at night, but the way was clear and there aren't much burglars and gangs around.

I'm going to live alone... Far off into the mountains, or a place nobody will every find me. Sounds unrealistic right? Yeah.

I just can't bear the sight of remaining and keep on hurting people I love.

I rolled my large wheeled traveling bag and headed straight for the train. I asked several people already what good places where nobody is, even if I questioned them jokingly. I even asked Mio. I'll just send her postcards. I'll also send the other's, and maybe Rin too...

A little cold crystal suddenly fell on my nose. Then slowly, but surely, they became pretty glow of whites. They were the first snow of the year.

It felt like a farewell celebration,I accepted it and went on walking.

I finally reached the train station. It was big. It has always been, but this time it felt so huge... plus I was having delusions of being lost in super modern places these days.

The train moved fast past me, making my hair sway into the side as it slowly synchronizes with the nearly calm wind.

I let the others go on before me. I was the last person to enter a train.

I was hoping, even if it was a small chance someone would stop me.

Just then a loud voice called out.


Sharp eyes...

Red streaks of hair...



The train's door had already closed.

I asked the conductor to let it stop, but it couldn't.

I peeked through the large window, and see a panting Rin so desperate for air to catch up to me. His nose was becoming redder and redder, probably from the cold.


I didn't answer. I just mumbled "I'm sorry."

He tripped while running.


"Hey, I think he's talking to you..." A teenager pat me on the shoulders. Some old ladies agreed too.

The people started looking at us. Wondering who he is talking to.

Just then he stuck out his hand on his chest, then showed off a pendant...

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