Unusual Invitation

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"Are we good?"

"Mm. Thank you Nanase-kun. . . I'll be expecting you." Mio's voice trembled over the husky voice from the next line. She had just done inviting her boyfriend over to her old school.

"You guys done?" Ritsu patted the girl's shoulder.

"I survived. . . I'm more worried about Azusa."

They turned around the corner and looked at the blushing Azusa, constantly shaking with her phone in her hands.

She looked at Mugi who was nodding as if the other person could see her.

"Yes. . . ok. I'll be waiting for you. I miss you." She smiled as she gently swiped stray hairs behind her ears before turning off her phone. Everything has been smooth between Mugi and Makoto lately, so there was no problem at all.

Mugi turned around to see her friends blushing at the conversation she just had.

"I. . . my innocence." Yui muttered.

Ritsu tried to chop her head with her hands gently. "You're not innocent, idiot." She said with a numb face.

"I can't do this!!!" Azusa shouted.

Everyone was in agony making Mugi wonder by their actions.

"Guys. . ." she looked down. Then looked again at her troubled friends who aren't listening at all.

"GUYS!" Mugi exclaimed.

This time she got the attention of everyone.

"Good." She breathed in. "Ok."

She walked towards the girl standing in front of her.

"Azusa. . . You're strong. You never would've entered our club before if you weren't persistent. . . strong enough to have the will to put up with us. You were amazing. You've done so many things. Will you let this get to you? Will you let yourself lose into this??" They stared into each other eye to eye.

"If it's for the one you love. You won't let yourself lose it. You'll win it. And you'll try. If it doesn't work out, you will find a way. If you can't find a way, you will make one! So Azusa. . . Mio. . . Yui. . . Ritsu. . . my dearest friends." She almost teared out.

"We can do this! Well show them. . . we are more than deserving to love them! We'll make up for what we've lost. Let them see you're an amazing girl!"

"She's right!" Ritsu joined in. She stuck out her hand in the middle of their circle. Mio's hands overlapped in. So had Yui's, Mugi's and Azusa's.

"WE ARE THE LIGHT MUSIC CLUB!!!" they shouted in unison.

Everything was settled. Now they just have to prepare their instruments at school and their songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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