Being found, but still scarred- chapter 17- Old friends,Old memories.

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Chapter 17:

Old Friends, Old Memories:

Blake POV:

Sitting outside watching the remaining light bounce off the rippling lake water; surrounded by everyone. We laughed at a joke I just made. It wasn't that funny really but we laughed anyway. We were spending the evening together. We hadn't done this in a while, and it was the first time with Marney being here. She and Caleb were sat together; him with his arms around her. Me and Arabella sat next to each other her lying down really. This is what life was about, the good times. Where nothing in the world seemed to go wrong or be wrong.

“So, guess who is coming to the ball?” Arabella asks. She doesn't even give anyone time to answer before squealing, “ Jesse Mason.” “You still like him? Wow. I mean just ask him out already, you've liked him forever,” joked Caleb. “God Caleb, it's not that easy a thing to do, first she has to think what she's going to say, then she'll have to pick an outfit and do her hair and then she will have to phone and tell her friends before hand and then she will make her move,” I tease. She hits me in the arm angrily, “You guys are mean.” Caleb and I both laugh at this, “We are only teasing you.”

“So are you going to ask him to be your date then?” I ask her, smiling. “No I could never, I mean he won't accept,” she replies in a shocked voice. “What if I were to pull out my phone and ring him right now. And ask him for you?” I go through my pocket pulling out my phone, flicking it open; and then dialling his number. “No, don't, please?” she begs trying to grab the phone from me. I had the advantage of being taller, meaning she couldn't reach. I get up and walk away; the sound of the phone connecting and ringing plays in my ear. Before a click. “Hello?” Jesse asks. “Hi Jesse this is Blake. My sister Arabella was wondering if you would be her date for the upcoming ball?” I speak into the phone, and then poke my tongue at Arabella who is giving me the evils and doing that your dead hand action. “Um, yeah I guess,” Jesse answers sound unsure. “Well thanks, and She'll meet you there okay. Bye,” I end the call. Placing the phone in my pocket; before being full on attacked by an angry sister. She hits me and jumps on me. I just lift her up walk over to the lake side and throw her in. We all laugh apart from Arabella who is spluttering and thrashing her way through the water and up the slope. “I officially hate you!” she yells. I laugh again, “Feelings mutual, plus guess who just agreed to being your date.” It wasn't a question it was me teasing her again.

She walks off in huff, back up to the house. Her wet self dripping everywhere. Caleb looks at me and bursts out laughing, “Dude, she really needs to learn to chill.” Marney looks like she isn't sure to laugh or go after Arabella.

Marney POV:

Watching Arabella leave I'm not sure whether to laugh or go after her. I stay where I am though, tucked inside Caleb's arms. “So are a lot of people going to becoming then?” I question. “Yeah there will be some people from the press, and then a lot of people who mum and dad work with. Other people from the high end of society and then we have loads of our friends coming, so's Arabella and Willow will have some friends here too. So yeah a lot of people are coming. The ball room and a few other rooms around it will be packed,” Blake replies. “Great,” I say sarcastically. I wasn't a people person. I wasn't even going to know any of them. They were all going to be stuck up snobs, who judge people on everything. I was not going to enjoy this, at all. In fact I had been dreading the ball since Arabella had told me.

I bet all of their friends were completely stunning and hot guys, who were all jerks underneath. I would have to mix and talk to them. They were going to be apart of my life now. All these people came with the title. I hadn't thought about my friends, Anna and Mark since all of this had started. I wondered if they knew who I really was, or what had happened to me. Did they even knew why I was gone. Were they worried sick, did they think I had been kidnapped or something. I hadn't even told them about my dad. I didn't let them see all the bruises and scars. I should of thought about them earlier. I had forgotten all about them. If only they had known. If only they were here. If only things had been different. They had been there for me since we were little. They were like me, consider nobodies, none of us fitted in with the rest of the school. But we had formed a friendship from the start. Anna a smart confident and loud tomboy type. Mark the quiet boy who was shy around people, but not around us, And me the meek silent girl who had no one else but them. We fitted together.

“Marney? Hello? Earth to Marney anyone home?” Caleb was waving his hand in front of me. “What?” I asked confused. “Were you even listening?” Blake asked. “Yeah, maybe, whatever,” I reply. “You were away with the faeries. As I was saying our friends will be there, so were going to introduce you to all of them, okay?” Blake tells me. “Yeah sure,” I answer still thinking about Anna and Mark.

“I bet they will be allowed to come here, you'll just have to ask your mum and dad about it. And get them to get their details from the school and everything. They can even come to the ball I expect. Your parents will do anything to make you happy,” he tells me in return. I smile up at him. We get up and start walking back to the house with Blake just ahead of us. He can't be bothered to walk with us if were being all couple like. He was such a boy. And It felt like he felt it was awkward us dating, I was his sister and Caleb's his best friend. We part at the end of the path as he heads for home while I go back to my room to sleep for the night.

The next morning I wake, I go do my usual morning routine of showering and getting dressed and drying my hair before tying it up with a hair band. I head down the stairs and head towards the kitchen where the smell of food is coming from. I go in and flop down one of the stools at the bar thing bit. “Morning,” greets a smiley Willow. “Hello to you too,” I reply. “So Caleb told me about you said yesterday, so I told dad and he is in his office arranging everything now. They should be here by later on today,” Blake tells me. I should of known that Caleb would tell Blake. “Thanks,” I tell him. “So you looking forward to seeing your friends then?” Arabella asks. “Yeah I will have a lot to explain though. That will take me ages to do,” I admit. “Well you have plenty of time they will be staying here for the ball and all. I can't wait to meet them,” she smiles.

“I bet they'll like meeting you too,” I lie knowing that they will think she is like the stuck up and horrible girls at school. Who think they own the place. “Great, do they like shopping and fashion?” she asks me. “Well, um no they don't really,” I tell her.

The day carries on with everyone asking questions about Anna and Mark. They were obsessed with them coming. I couldn't believe they were staying for the ball. But I really wasn't looking forward to having explain everything to them. But when they actually arrived they were going to be shocked. They like me were no the richest of people and lived in the poorer side of town. Meaning this place to them would be luxury. I just hoped they weren't going to be mad at me.

When they arrived they were surprised to see me and the others standing on the steps of the Palace waiting for them. The car barley stopped before Anna came running out to hug me. “Omg! Omg! This is where you've been all this time. Why didn't you tell us? You live with the Prince now? I mean what the hell. You'd better explain right now misses. No don't bother I'm just glad you safe, I though you had been kidnapped or murdered or something. Thank god your okay,” she gushes and squeals. Mark gets out of the car and looks at us I smile. And he comes over giving me a hug and nudges Anna in the sides. The others just stare at Anna like she's a mad man, well they weren't far off really. She wasn't the most normal of person in the world. “Hi,” I eventually say. Before hugging them both.

We get ushered into the house and then into the living room by my parents who are getting the hellos out if the way. “So are you going to explain where you've been and what happened to you and why you're here with the prince and his family. Mind you not a lot of explaining to do there, seeing as you all look so closely related;especially you and the Princess. You're like identical to each other,” she demands and then gushes. “Well its along story and I missed you loads. And I'm sorry I never told you anything about what I'm going to explain,” I tell. I then start from the beginning about when my mum and brother died, they all ready knew about that. But then I went on to explain about my dad and how he would hurt me and why I became the way I was and such. Then I tell them about when Blake and Arabella came to the school. And then Blake continues from what happened there how he knew about me being missing and how everything happened afterwards. And why I was here and what happened to my dad. “Omg, why didn't you tell us? We could of helped all those years ago. I'm just glad you're here safe and sound and everything, I really missed we were so worried about you, weren't we Adam?” she exclaims. Adam answers with a simple yes. And then I explain that he's really shy.

Okay thanks for reading. This chapter was longer than the last. It brings back old friends and memories. Hope you like it. Next chapter is the ball. Hope you excited. I wont tell you what I've got planned. But there's only 3 chapters left now. I will begin writing the next chapter tomorrow night. But it will take a while. Okay?

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Love InkOnMyHands xxx

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