Being scarred,but still scarred-part 9

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 Chapter 9

Home sweet, palace!

Blake's pov:

"What's it like?" she asked me. "What's what like?" I asked not understanding what she meant."Being royal," she replied, she was looking out the window her brown hair blocking her face. "I don't know I never thought about it, it's just natural for me," I replied, I hadn't thought about it before. "Oh," she whispered still looking out the window. "Why I ask? You'll find out soon enough," I asked her, she was hiding something from me. "Do you think I will be good at it? If I'll like it?," she turned looking at me, she was worried. "You will be amazing, the best princess ever," she laughed, "You will love it," I reassured her. She smiled, but the smile was tipping. "I don't think I will, I have always been so quiet and shy. And know I'm entering world, where eyes are always on you, it's scary and daunting," she replied her voice soft with concern. I laughed at her. She gave me a what are you laughing at look. "I'm sorry it's just you, you concerned about being a princess and whether you will like it. Whereas most girls would be screaming their heads off and be over excited," I said playfully. "I'm not most girls," she replied smiling. "Your right about that," I said pretending to squat her away with my hand.

"And I wouldn't want you to be most girls," I laughed. "Really?" she asked me. "Yes," I smiled back at her. She turned back to the window, "How far is it till we get there?" she questioned. "Not long now, we should be there soon," I replied I had driven this road loads of times, "Just wait till you see the gates and then you will know." And trust me she would, they weren't exactly hard to miss. Well neither was the house, well palace really. We sat silently for awhile until she burst out.

"Is that it?" she asked as she saw are house. Her face smiled but worry filled her eyes. "Yeah, that's the the palace," I replied casually. "It's massive, I've never seen anything like it before," she squealed. "Well aren't you lucky to live here then," I laughed, I turned into the driveway, stopping at the gate. I pressed the button, "It's me prince Blake," I said into the intercom. "Hello master Blake you can go through," replied the voice of our gate keeper Charles. The automatic swung open, I drove through and they shut again. "Wow that's so fancy," she smiled. "Well we do need our protection, we are royalty after all," I replied smiling. She laughed, "I guess." I shrugged.

"How do you feel?" I asked as we drove up our drive way, it's a long one. Nervous,excited,happy,sad but amazing all the same," she replied smiling. "Right," I laughed, "Don't worry, everything will be fine, awww look there's the family waving," I laughed at the sight of them stood there, waving their heads off. "Pressure much," she laughed. "I know," I laughed back. "I just wish I didn't have to use that damn wheelchair," she uttered. I laughed , whilst parking the car and then taking out the key. I climbed out, walking to go get the wheelchair from the back. I pulled it out and opened it out. Pushing it round to her side, she had already opened the door. I helped her out of the car and into the wheelchair. "It's amazing," she beamed, "And beautiful." "Yeah I guess," I replied whilst pushing her up to where my family stood.

"This is it," I whispered, as they ran down the steps, and practically threw themselves on her. And the hugging,smiling and greeting began. God families are noisy. "Welcome home honey," my mother kissed Marney's cheek. "Thanks," Marney replied, she looked so uncomfortable. She wasn't use to happy people or family. They carried on for a couple more minuets, I stood there patiently my mouth sore from smiling. "Well let's get her inside, instead of standing around out here," I told them. "Yeah, well I guess we have to get you up these steps huh?" my dad grinned at Marney. "I'll carry you up, whilst he can get the wheelchair up," he laughed. She smiled as he lifted her out and carried her up the steps. Whilst I lugged the annoying thing up after them. He set her down again as I put the wheelchair down. She smiled, "Thank you."

I smiled in surprise as willow immediately jumped into her lap, hugging her. My dad started pushing her through the the grand front door, "So how was the car ride?" he asked curiously. "It was okay I guess," she shrugged off the question. "Do you want the grand tour, or would you like anything to eat or drink?" Arabella suggested. "I guess, I could use a drink," she responded. She guessed, somebody was avoiding the tour. My father pushed her and willow along to the under kitchen. Where the staff work, we never cooked for ourselves it was their job. "You see, we have the under kitchen where the staff cook us everything. And then we have the show kitchen, which we use when we have guests," my mother explained. "You have two kitchens, I mean ours was not even very big," Marney exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh. They all turned to look at me, "Sorry, but your face was hilarious Marney." She looked away embarrassed. "Well here we are, Um what would you like?" Arabella asked. "We've got pretty much everything," added my dad. "Uh, I will just have water, please," Marney replied. I grabbed a glass from the shelf and went to the tap, turning it on filling the glass. I handed Marney the glass she carefully took a sip her hand shaking slightly.

They quickly showed her the bottom floor of palace. I stayed in the kitchen not wanting to hear the frequent talking of my family, though it be whole again. I met them in the living room, the one we actually use all the time, not the big posh formal ones. But the homey one. "Hey," I greeted all of them. They all nodded in reply. They were sat on one of the sofas, whilst listening to her talk about something. They continued to talk for a couple of minuets. Willow flicked the TV on turning on to her favourite program, Hannah Montana. I found it the most annoying show ever. Arabella soon disappeared into her room. Mum and dad sat with each other holding hands and smiling. Marney sat watching the TV with willow in her lap. She yawned after awhile, her face and eyes looked tired.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. "Yeah, I just feel tired," she mumbled. "Do you want to go to bed?" I asked her as she yawned again. "Uh yeah please," she smiled, she was still weak and needed to sleep a lot. Willow got off her lap obediently, I pushed Marney out of the room and into the corridor and then up to the elevator, yes we had both elevators and stairs. I pressed the up button, it took us up 3rd floor to where are rooms are. "All of us kids rooms are on this floor, and mum and dad are on the one above," I told her, she smiled and nodded. We came out in into the corridor and I pushed her down to my end her room was going to be next to mine. And then Arabella was next to hers and then willows at the other end. "Your room's next to mine and Arabella is next to yours," I said whilst opening the door into her room, at the moment it was decorated as a guest room. But we would decorate it the way she wanted soon. I put her down on the bed and then lay next to her in that brotherly way. She soon fell asleep still dressed. But she looked happy from what I could tell, I got up and went into my room.

I knew my family would treat her like a princess, even though she is a real one. They would treat her specially, but I hope that would not freak her out to much. But I was going to keep cool and not be like them. I laughed remembering their faces when she arrived. She seemed so shy and scared, but there was nothing to be scared of right? I grabbed my mobile phone, as I threw myself on my bed. I flipped it open, 20 new messages. Of course all from my best mate Caleb, I had turned my phone off since I had found Marney. He knew I was out of town but he still text me. But then I found her. And hadn't spoken to him since. I opened a up new message and sent him a message,' Hey, sorry I didn't reply been busy, how r U wuu2.' I sent the message and waited for his reply.

Caleb's name flashed up and opened the his text up, 'Dude where you been, I been doing some work. But I'm free tmoz, wanna do something?' I laughed all he did was work for his dads company. I replied, 'Can't go anywhere, something came up over the visit, but you can come over.' no more than 5 seconds later I got his reply, 'yeah man,what time.' 'Early, like 10am', I replied. 'OK,' he finished our conversation.

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