Being found,but still scarred-part 2

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They see me, i see them

The school halls were loud and still talking about the special guest who was awarding the school something, I headed straight for my locker, I put in my combination the door clicked open I shoved my books and some paper in it from my bag I wouldn't be needing them for a couple of periods. The bell rang and the halls emptied as dashed for my lesson, it was English my favourite. The lesson passed and so did another. The bell rang again and everyone headed out to the picnic benches set outside, I joined my friends Anna and Mark who were discussing who this guest might be. I didn't bother speaking to them I just listened and nodded when they wanted a answer. I was withdrawn and wanting to be somewhere where I could be happy and I could never be happy here.

A bell rang again it was the assembly, with the special guest. I picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, I hurried inside to take a seat in the back row. I didn't want to be amongst a load of shouting idiotic people. If this guess was a celebrity then it would just be manic, and I didn't do anything manic. The room was still partly empty most people sat towards the front, but I headed for the back bleacher, only three other people were sat there, I didn't know them so they wouldn't disrupt me, I chose the farthest corner and sat down. After another five minuets the room was filled and the teachers took they're places around the room. Our head entered followed by two men in black and then a boy slightly older than anyone in school, he was wearing a suite but a modern one with jeans and a scarf instead of a tie. He was followed by a girl who looked like a princess she had a the most beautiful dress I had ever seen on. And then two more men in black.

I had never heard of or seen them before, they weren't celebrities for sure. People in front of me asked each other "who are they?, do you know them? Are they even famous?". Our head teacher walked on to the stage. " Hello everyone, as you know our school has won a award, and we are being awarded it by our special guest's the Prince and Princess of Ivy hollow. I will now hand over to the prince." He handed the mic to the prince, he was dark and handsome, but also brood and daring. I bet every girl in the room was swooning over him, everyone apart from me.

"Hello, I am Prince Blake, and this is my sister Princess Arabella." He held out his hand and the girl stepped forwards, taking his hand, they smiled in turn. "We would like to award your school the highest grade possible for the results and quality of teaching, well done" The prince handed a framed award to the head teacher. "Thank you, for having us attend your delightful school, it was a pleasure to be here" he continued, and then the princess spoke for the first time "yes thank you."

I looked at her, she was beautiful. Everything a princess should be, tall but not to tall, thin but not to thin, long hair but not to long. Her skin slightly tan, her hair and eyes brown, she was stunning. She looked like a very healthy, fit and happy version of me. Wait she looked like me, well maybe. No she couldn't, could she? I asked myself. I turned to look at him, he looked like her, but he was brood and handsome, he had the same colour hair and eye's, and he looked a little like me I guess. This was weird why did to complete strangers look so much like me. They stepped backwards looking over the crowd, they looked at the people in front and worked their way up, they got to the back looking over the others, I tried to melt into the benches I didn't want them to see me, if they saw me they would feel the way I did that we looked to much alike. But she saw me, she gasped, I tried to sink further into the benches, but couldn't she had seen me. I watched her as she touched his arm, he looked down at her, she whispered something, and then he looked at me to. I looked down at the floor knowing they were looking at me, I didn't look up I felt there eye's on me still.

Our head teacher mumbled on as the Prince and Princess carried on whispering and looking at me, I still didn't look up, I just wanted to be invisible, but they wouldn't look away. Nobody else knew they were looking at me, but I did I could feel those eye's on me. People were standing up to leave now, I grabbed my bag and stood up keeping my eye's to the floor. I rushed down the step's getting amongst the crowd of people, hiding myself from those prying eyes digging into me. I looked back once at them, they stood motionless, not speaking either. They were just as shocked as me, I picked up my pace, hurrying through the doors and amongst yet more people.

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