Being found, but still scarred- chapter 19- all eyes on the ball

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Chapter 19:

All eyes on the Ball:

Anonymous POV:

Yes I was watching. Watching her. As she went from place to place with that so called family. The vermin the lot of them. It was easy, I was free. And now nothing could stop me. I would get what I wanted. And no one could stop me. Not now. Not ever. I could see their faces now. She was happy. Happy was something she didn't deserve. I would wipe that grin from her face, from all of theirs. This was only the beginning of something great.

Blake's POV:

“Caleb, you're late,” I laugh. Lets just say Caleb isn't the most punctual of guys. Especially when it comes to time. “I over slept. And don't laugh at me. It was the alarms fault,” he grumbles in reply. “Anyway, they could really use your help in the kitchen. Being the good chef you are,” I tell him as he smiles. “No way, uh-uh. I love to cook, but not on large portions. And besides Alfonso, hates it when I'm in his kitchen,” he argues. The one thing about Caleb is he is amazing at cooking, sometimes better than Alfonso. But he doesn't tell anyone, because he is scared it will ruin his image. But one day I will fool him into becoming the best chef ever. And he thinks he's really bad. Which of course he isn't. I shove towards the door.

It was an hour or two till the ball began. And all the family who were joining us for a meal would arrive before that. We had finished the ballroom decorations. And the only things left to do was lock any doors for rooms people weren't allowed in. I let the maids do this though, no need for me to go around the palace when I should be doing last and final checks on other preparations.

It would be a long night that was for sure. I was used to these things but they were often long and boring. Of course I was usually surrounded by girls, who were trying to chat me up. Well I am hot, rich and royal. But I tend not to take interest in these girls, they are fake, spoilt and deluded most often. I was interested in real girls. Not ones who are only interested in your money. Someone like the Anna girl. Speaking of which she was probably getting ready with Marney and Arabella.

Marney POV:

This was boring. Arabella had gathered me and Anna to go through how to act, what to say and how to dance. Why would anybody want to dance in that way. I mean, it was so complicated. I had never danced before and couldn't get a step of it. And by the time I managed to at least get some of it, everyone who was eating with us tonight had arrived and we were being called down to eat. Wow, time had really flown. I was nervous about this as well. I had only met some of the family like my grandparents and then those who lived near enough. But never more than that. And tonight they would all be here as well.

Arabella and I quickly made are way down to the big dinning room. Where the sound of light chatter was coming from. The doors were open so we just wondered in. And then everybody looked up at us, gawking. I could of died right there and then. Who knew families could be so big. There was old people, middle aged people and people my age and younger than that even. I felt sick just looking at them. Soon we sat to eat, well after introductions were made, of course. And that took awhile. It was a long meal, with plenty of questions. Questions that had demanded answers. I was in the lime light and couldn't escape. The only good thing was the chocolate dessert. That was to die for.  

So then we had to leave and get ready, again. This time it was getting changed and having hair and make-up done. Of course we had professional stylists. Who took their time, a long time. They put make-up on. And then made me change into my goddess dress. Which they then proceeded to admire and compliment me about. My hair took awhile, which really bothered me. They took so long to do something, that could be achieved with just a scrunchy. Okay so maybe not, but it was only hair. They pulled into a side bun. With some bits down. They of course were finished with me. So Arabella was tortured too. But she enjoyed this kinda thing. And she took longer than me so I sat watching. Saying something nice when she asked if she looked good. In fact she looked amazing in her dress with her hair and make-up done. She looked way better than better than me. Which is weird since were like identical. And she was wearing killer heels.

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