Being found,but still scarred-part 7

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Chapter 7

Stabbed, It was him.

Marney pov:

"H...he did it. Blake, my dad did it, he stabbed me," I struggled to say.

(Flashback of what happened before the hospital.)

I opened the door, cautiously trying not to let it creak. I stepped in not making a sound, shutting the door slowly still not letting let it creak. I moved around the kitchen silently, if he was home I was in trouble. "Nice ride was it?" his voice called angrily. His raged footsteps, getting closer. "Yeah the bus was fine," I mumbled nervously. He reached the doorway, his face hot red with anger, "Don't lie , girlie!" I stepped back, "I...I'm not lying," I lied to him. "I know your lying, I saw you get out of that car!" he shouted, moving forwards so that he lent on the table. He threw his fist down on the table causing the whole table to shake. His eyes red with fury I looked away. "Lost your voice love? Not so clever now are we?" he shouted again. I didn't answer him, I knew he was going to hit me. He walked over to me, grabbing my arm, hard. "Who is he?, what were you doing with him?" he questioned angrily. "J..just a friend, I barley know him. I wasn't doing anything I swear!" I mumbled scared by him. "Liar!" he screamed at me, whilst hitting me across the face. The stinging started instantly, I felt the pain grow as he struck me again. "Owww" I screamed in pain. "Don't you whine at me girl, what were you doing in the car with that boy!" he shouted at me again. "I...I missed the bus, so he gave me a ride home," I cried between breaths. My breathing was ragged and my face hurt and so did my wrist he was holding tightly. "I don't believe you!," he screamed violently at me. "That is all dad, I swear nothing else," I replied cautiously, "Please let go of me," I whimpered, by the look in his eyes. He was mad, madder than any time before. Freakishly mad.

"Let go of you I shall not!, you betray me and expect me not to angry at you!" he scoffed. His grip tightened around my wrist. He started to walk, roughly pulling me along behind. "Please!, I'm sorry, I wont ever miss the bus and catch a lift again..." I whimpered, knowing how hopeless it was to say.

"Lies! I tell you. You can never keep your word!" he angrily grumbled. He was pulling me down the hall towards my room. He grabbed the handle, making the door tremble, as if it were as frightened as me. He pushed it open with a great force, "Get in there!" he yelled, his face as red as it can go. I didn't have time to move, for he forcefully thrust me into my room, not caring where I landed or whether I hurt. I landed my head smashing against my bed side table, the door closed and he walked away. I lifted my hand to the side of my head, a warm thick goo ran I looked at my hand, blood. Then my head started to throb, it was real bad. As if I had been beaten around the head with a baseball bat. I cried out in pain a number of times. I finally moved away from the table, propping myself up against my bed. The pain was unbearable. I fell into a sleepy state where I was half dazed .

The pounding of angry footsteps carried along the hall, I breathed hard. BANG! The door swung open hitting its fame and the wall. "Will you shut up you pathetic girl" he yelled, I shivered as he yelled. Stepping further in, he hid his hand behind his back. "Well, have you something to say girl!" he shouted, I tensed frightened by him. "I...I," I started to say but I stopped when I saw what was behind his back. He brought it out from behind his back. Pointing it at me. "Dad," my voice quavered, "Dad, please don't" it quavered again. He pointed it at me. "Please dad," I whispered.

He wasn't mad any more he was crazed, I could tell by the knife in his hand, he had never done this before. "Darling its okay," he said normally, " trust me sweetie, it won't hurt, much." I screamed, he coming at me, I tried to move, but I couldn't my head hurt to much. He was still coming at me, with that look in his eyes. He came close, plunging at me. The knife struck my stomach, "Daddy!" I screamed. "I'm sorry baby," he whispered into my ear whilst pulling the knife out. I put my hand to my stomach the blood flowing out. "It hurts," I whimpered helplessly. I blanked out, my mind covered in black, no sound, no feeling and no smell. I was out.


I watched in horror as my dad grabbed Blake by the neck pushing him against the wall. I also watched as he was pulled away by security. Blake followed them, "Get the police, he was the one who stabbed her." I lay there uncertain of what had just happened. My dad was gone taken by security, Blake was here, Prince Blake was here seeing me in such a state. He had protected me, and stood up to my dad. But I didn't earlier he had said he was my brother, my real brother. That was how I woke up hearing them. I didn't understand any of it. I suddenly became aware of how much my head and tummy hurt. I couldn't remember very much. I fell asleep again, but not into darkness but into a warm glow of dreams and happiness.

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