Being found, but still scarred-part 5

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The truth, A plan And a crowd

Prince Blake's POV:

My dad looked at me. "But how?" I asked, he had told me we had to get her back.

"I don't know yet," came his reply, "but we will okay, I promise you that." I looked at him, he sounded so casual like he did this everyday, but on the hand I was frantic I wanted Maddison back now. No matter what it took I would get her back. She had meant so much to my mum and dad, and she would again, hopefully. "How about we get the government or secret services or the FBI to get her?" him, he shook his head. "No, we don't want to frighten her, plus she will have a family who love her," he was diplomatic as always but he was right we couldn't scare her or take her away from her family. " By Jove I've got it!" my farther called out, I jumped not expecting it. "what? What is it?" I asked clueless to his out burst.

"You go to her school and be like a student for awhile, you get friendly and then invite her over and then we tell her the truth and then she can decide, what she wants," he was smart very smart, but their was a flaw to his plan. "Great plan dad, but I'm too old for school remember?" I told him in a questioning way. "I know, I know. Hmm maybe you could ah... no that wouldn't work. How about? that wouldn't either. Hang on, you could do a follow up after the award pretending your going undercover in the school's teaching or education today?" he done it, he had done it. "Omg, yes going in undercover will work, she does have the best grades in the school I could have to follow her around, and ask her stuff, but really we become friends and the wall-ah presto done." I told him and shouted the last bit. We had a plan now we just had to get the school to believe us and let me in and let me follow her. Knowing them they would want to prove to us how good they are they would agree. "That's it then I will arrange it with the school, for next week. We can stay here and your little sister can come down instead of staying at home. Plus we still need to tell her, hopefully she will understand, she is only nine." I nodded in response I had forgotten about my little sister Willow, to be honest she never felt like my sister, she felt like a replacement for Maddison, I mean I love Willow but she was a little girl and I'm a teenage boy, we don't really have much in common, and I am always with Arabella when I'm at home. I Had always been close to Arabella, because she is like Maddison and I wanted to hang on to everything of Maddison and she was the closest thing to her.

But since yesterday when we told her, Arabella hadn't spoken to anyone not even the staff at the hotel. She locked herself in the room and hadn't come out my tried everything she could but nothing. I tried as well but no she didn't even care. "I'm sorry..." I whispered through the door, still nothing. " I give up on you, you know that. Hopefully Maddison will be much nicer than you" I remarked, whilst walking away. She must of heard me. I heard the floor boards creek under her feet. I carried on walking, she opened the door. I didn't turn round, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of winning. "What? How could you say that?" She sneered. I stopped, "because unlike you I want my sister back, she will be a lot nicer than you, from the way your acting,"

That would sting her for awhile. She ran up behind me, and hit me on the arm, it didn't hurt. She was nothing compared to me. " I hate you!" she shouted, I laughed. " I love you to little sis. Oh by the way I hope you realise you failed, your out of your room and talking, I knew you couldn't survive" I laughed at her. I turned round looking at her angry red face. "Shut up, you always do that to me its not funny." she wasn't very happy from the tone of her voice. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked I guess she needed the support, I mean its not a very common thing to find out your a twin, your twin got stolen and nobody told you about, and you never knew she existed . She nodded " In my room," she instructed, I put my arm around her and walked into her room. I pushed her on to the bed and then flung myself down next to her.

"How did she get stolen?" Arabella asked me. I looked at her, " We don't know fore sure how but we were out somewhere and well you were crying so mum and dad took you and sorted you out, whilst I waited with Maddison, I looked for mum and dad and didn't look at her for awhile and then when I turned round she was gone. Its my fault she's gone, I should of never turned away from her. Its my fault I've never forgiven myself." I looked down into my hands, It was my fault. I hated myself for it.

We sat silent for a moment until she asked me another question, "you miss her don't you? That's why you never look happy being surrounded by people, you always looked around, but I didn't know what for, but you were looking for her weren't you?" " yes, I miss her. But I never gave up when she was thought dead, I knew she was out here somewhere, and because of you I found her." I smiled. "why didn't you tell me, I deserved to know?" she asked again. " I wasn't aloud to tell you and I didn't want to tell you and then if we never found her I wouldn't cope, we all though.

t it would be better this way" I replied sitting up putting my head in my hands. "I'm sorry, and it's okay I get why you didn't tell me. I was angry at all of you, I'm sorry." she mumbled. She lifted my hands away and hugged me, I tried to shrug her off but she wouldn't budge. "It's okay," I whispered, "you know you can let go any time now." She laughed letting me go, " oh sorry you wouldn't want me to ruin your image now would you!" she laughed again. " I will help you get her back, she will come back to us." she told me. I nodded. And walked out.

I walked into the living room, my mother sat there flicking through a magazine, "Hello," I said to her. She looked up smiling, "Hello honey, are you alright you look ever so pale, come sit down," she patted the cushion of sofa next to her. " I'm fine, well you know I'm a bit rushed with finding Maddison and then I just got Arabella to speak to me, but now I really need to speak with dad. Where is he?" I explained and then asked her. "I know its hard at the moment dear but just think of afterwards we will be at home with the whole family, and with Maddison," she comforted me, " your farther is in the bedroom, he is using it as office for awhile." "Thanks" I nodded and walked to bedroom.

I didn't bother knocking I just went straight in, my dad was putting the phone as I entered. He smiled knowingly. "Is it sorted?" I asked. " It's done, your in,they brought the story and you will be trailing her around for three days and then just wonder around school as of when, okay?" he replied, if I was a girl I would of screamed with delight, but Instead I nodded smiling. " Dad it will work, you know it, I will get her back, I promise," I said as I walked over and laid my hand on his shoulder. "go in on Monday my son, but don't let her know anything about you, and then day by day gradually you get closer." I looked at him, "I know dad!" I sighed, "we went over this."

And that's what I did I went in the Monday morning. I didn't like these halls they were crowded, it almost frightened me. Crowds always remind me of my mistake of my turning away, and her being taken. But I knew she wouldn't be taken away this time, I had come to get at the end of the week she would know who I am, and that I was her real brother. And I was sorry for what happened, to beg her forgiveness for it. As soon as one person saw me the others did they ran up to me remembering who I was, they saw a prince a handsome hot prince. I saw myself as a failure hidden behind a barrier of great things. I saw myself as a let down, I let Maddison down and my parents.

I was immediately surrounded by people I didn't want them near me I wanted to get out, I was panicking and getting stressed. But my saviour appeared in the principle who was shouting at these people, "EVERBODY GET AWAY FROM THE PRINCE HE IS HERE TO ASSES THE SCHOOL, AS A EVERYDAY PERSON! SO DO NOT TREAT HIM LIKE ROYALTY JUST LIKE AN ANOTHER STUDENT, WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME! JACOB DONERVERN STOP THAT ONCE! AND YOU ANNETTE GET OFF THAT POOR BOY NOW, HE SHOULD NOT BE GIVING YOU A PIGGY BACK DOWN THE CORRIDOOR!".

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