Being found, but still scarred part 11

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 Chapter 11

Deal. Go on you can do it.

Blake pov:

"I...well she is beautiful," he told me. My best friend, who had only just met my sister now has the hots for her. "What the hell! Man you can't just love someone just by looking at them, plus that's my sister. My sister who I only just found, who is hurt. Man I don't believe you," I shouted at him. He couldn't love her, she was my younger sister. She has only just come back into my life, and now he wants her. Hell no. I don't think so.

"She's amazing, I want to know her, I want her to like me," he replied in a daze. "No you don't, you just think you do. I don't want anything to happen to her, she has been hurt enough," I snapped. "I wouldn't hurt her, how could you even think that. I'm your best friend and you think I would hurt your sister. I can't believe you!" he shouted at me. "I... didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry..." my voice trailed off. I didn't mean it like that, I mean he's my best friend. "Of course you did!" he muttered. I had just ruined a perfectly good moment. He turned to go but I grabbed him. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean honest I didn't."

"I know, but your not entirely forgiven yet," he laughed. "Why not?" I raised an eyebrow at him, he was planning something, I could tell by the look in his eyes. "Because I need a favour," he replied in a mocking tone. A favour, I wonder what kind of kind of favour. "What's the favour?" I questioned. "You have to set me up with Marney," he smirked. What! He wants me to set him up with my sister, no, no way was I going to do that. That is a step and beyond."I, um don't think so," I mumbled.

"see man, you don't trust me do you?" stated Caleb. "No, I do its just you know she's my sister," I mumbled back at him, he was being difficult. And it sounds weird asking your sister out on a date for your best friend. "Excuses, excuses. If you really cared about me you would ask her, but I guess you don't" he shrugged walking towards the door. "Wait! I will do it, but only when she is better." I called after him. "Deal," he smiled. "Yes deal," I grumbled, this wasn't the best situation to be in.

A week later...

Marney's pov:

"Go on you can do it," Blake laughed at me. I was walking again now, but I still hadn't mastered the stairs. Every time I stepped down or up it hurt. "No it hurts," I groaned, I mean it really hurt. I stumbled and started to fall. But an arm wrapped around my waist, stopping my fall. I was pulled up, and then spun round. Expecting to see my brothers face. "Are you okay?" his voice asked me.

"Hey, Caleb when did you get here?" I was surprised to see him. He hadn't been round for awhile,

"Just in time I see," he laughed, his cheeky grin made me smile. "My knight in shinning armour," I joked clutching my heart. "And you a fair maiden in distress," he joked back. I smiled and blushed. "Me a fair maiden, I don't think so," I chocked. I was no way a fair maiden. I was ugly and scarred not beautiful or fair.

"I do," He replied blushing but smiling at the same time. I smiled he thought I was beautiful like a fair maiden. But I wasn't, "No," I replied changing my tone of voice. "Yes," he smiled. I liked his smile. I realised he still had his arms around my waist, "You know,you can let go now," I changed the subject, no matter what anyone said I was ugly I would never be beautiful. His face went soft, and he let go, he looked like he never wanted too. "I'm sorry," he muttered as he turned to go, he had changed in a matter of seconds. I grabbed his arm stopping him from going, "Thank you." I kissed him on the cheek and then blushed. He blushed too, "No problem," he replied trying to act cool. I really wanted to shout at him, one moment he is the sweetest guy ever, and then he goes back to being a jerk. I just couldn't take it any more I mean we had become good friends over the week, but he would be sweet and then a jerk I didn't get him. Or this attitude of his. "I don't get you! One moment your really nice and the next your a total jerk to me, what is with you!" I shouted at him. His face dropped into a frown, he looked hurt but it was his fault, not mine I wasn't the one being a jerk. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be," he apologised with a sad look in his eyes. "I've heard sorry to many times to believe it," I slammed the words into him. Its true sorry to me was another way of saying I don't mean but I will it.

"I mean it honest," he tried to convince me, I didn't believe it though. "I doubt that," I muttered under my breath. He looked at me, he had heard it. "You don't believe me?" he asked me. "I've heard it too many times without any truth in it, so how can I believe it now," I replied sourly a frown across my face. "I mean it,2 he whispered. But before I could say anything in reply he spun round grabbing my waist and pulling me into his body. "What are you doing?" I asked him, surprised by him. "Kissing you," he smirked, before his lips met mine. His lips warm and his breathe was warm too. I kissed him back, I was surprised that I did. I broke my lips away from his. And tried to step back, but couldn't he held me tightly as if I belonged there. "I love you," he whispered into my ear. I was shocked by this, no boy had ever told me that. "I think... I um love you too," I replied still in shock.

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