Being found,but still scarred-part 6-part 2

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 Chapter 6-part 2

I care for your no talk.

Prince Blake pov:

Marney didn't want to talk to me, I didn't understand why. All I wanted to do is talk to her, and find out about her. I returned to the hotel, after dropping her home. I was greeted by father, who was in his study. "How is everything with Marney?" he asked me. "She is fine, I think. She doesn't talk to me, I think she finds the whole thing creepy." I replied, I knew she did. "Well I guess, we should tell her soon before she gets to freaked out by you." I looked at him knowing he was right. "Can I tell her tomorrow, and you could come in to, I think it would be better if you told her," he nodded as if to answer, "Yes, I think it would be for the best, son. But you need to eat and get some rest." my father replied. I nodded walking out and heading for the kitchen. I ate and then watched TV until I needed sleep, heading for my room, I rubbed my eyes. I crashed on my bed.

I reached the school, and was greeted by a group of girls, "Hey Prince Blake would you like to come hang around with us, we think your totally hot," one of the girls squealed at me. "Sorry I'm busy, I have to speak with your principle, urgently," I brushed them off strolling towards the main building where the offices were. I knocked on the door of his office, the principle opened the door. "Prince Blake, what can I do for you?" he asked concerned. "Well I have some news for you, my father, the king will be coming in today as we have to talk to Marney," he raised a eye brow at me. "Why would the king need to come to speak to Marney?" he asked curiously. "Marney isn't who she thinks she is," I answered, I wasn't allowed to tell him why we needed to speak to her, it would be a surprise, and we didn't want any press involved.

"What do you mean?" he questioned me. "I'm am not allowed to say exactly what I mean," I answered. "Well I trust you, with whatever your doing," he implied.

I walked out just as the schools home room bell rang. I walked to Marney's home room, pushing open the door, I nodded in the direction of the teacher, of whom was at her desk. I sat in the chair at Marney's desk. The class filled but Marney was never walked through the door. Why wasn't she here? Where is she? The question's kept running through my head. In no time the class emptied and I headed towards the teacher, "Where is Marney today?" I asked. "I guess she must be ill today, but we don't know for sure, she usually has a couple of days off now and then," she replied in her normal tone.

I rushed out of the room, and down to the principles office, I knocked and walked not waiting for an answer. "Where is she? Where is Marney?" I asked concerned, it must have shown in my voice for he he looked at me, confused. "I have just had a phone call from her father, and she won't becoming in for awhile," he informed me. "What on earth is the reason why," I demanded forcefully. "She is in hospital, there was accident." he notified me. "W...what kind of accident?" I asked nervously.

"We don't know, he didn't say, but he did say she is in a coma." I felt sick, physically sick. "I...I...I have to go," the words stumbled out of mouth. I ran from the room, struggling for breath. Today was supposed to be the day I told her, she was my sister but now she was in a coma. And she didn't even know. I had to get to the hospital, and fast.

I ran to my car, and got in. I speed out of the car park, I had one problem though. I didn't know where the hospital was. I got out my phone and hit speed dial, my dads to be exact. He answered, "Dad, where's the hospital, I need to get there fast, and don't come into the school, she is not there," I panted down the phone line. "Son what's wrong?, why do you need to go to the hospital?, are you injured?, why not come to the school?, what do you mean she's not there?" his voice was panicky.

"Dad, it's Marney she had an accident, she's in a coma." I told him, my heart racing. "A coma?, how?" he asked panicking. "I don't know how, just that she is one, but I'm going there. I'm going to be there when she wakes up to tell her, the truth," I answered. "Okay but son remember she has another family as well." I listened. "Yes I know but I need to be there," I replied calmly. "Well the directions are, head into the town centre, and the turn left then left again and then on the right. Okay did you get that?" he asked. "Yes I'm almost there now," I replied and then hang up on him. I followed his directions, I drove into the hospital car park. I searched for a space, finding the closet space to the doors. I rushed in almost knocking a nurse over, "sorry," I muttered. I ran to the reception desk "I'm need to get to Marney, my sister Marney!" I panted in a hurry. "Marney who? If you tell me her last name I can give you the ward she is in," proclaimed the woman calmly. "I don't know, you see is my sister, but she was stolen from us and I found her but she doesn't know and now she's in a coma," I felt the words tumble out of mouth. "That doesn't help I need a last name," she responded casually. "I...I don't know, I only know she is in a coma," I rushed the words.

She didn't help me at all. "Please," I begged. "I'm sorry, I do not know," she implied. "Someone must know, can't you phone someone?" I asked helplessly. "If you persist in such a way I will call security!" she retorted. "I don't think you understand, I am prince Blake, and I need to see my sister now!" I shouted at her. "P...Prince Blake, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you, please go through to the desk inside, they can get information for you," she exclaimed. I ran inside to the desk, they found her and led me through the hospital to her ward and then to her room. I walked in to see Marney on the bed, she had drips and cables everywhere. I gasped she was so pale to pale, she looked dead but she wasn't. And then I saw a man his head in his hands, I didn't know who he was. I coughed loudly , to tell him I was there. He looked up at me. "Hello," I said close to a whisper. "Yes what do you want?" he grunted anxiously. "I'm a friend I heard she was in coma," I told him. "And don't you understand I want no visitors, she is my daughter and I'm her only family." he said flatly. "Your her dad?" I asked. "Yes no leave no one other than me her only family is allowed in here." "I'm sorry but your not her real father are you?, and what happened to her? I mean what was accident?" I implied and asked. His face broke into anger, "Who are you to tell me I am not her father.? And she was stabbed, in the stomach." he shouted quietly. "Stabbed, by who?" I asked rushing to her bedside, I placed my hand on hers. "I don't know. But who are you to come in here like this? Are you her boyfriend or something?" he asked angrily. Should I tell him the truth? I guess I should, right?

"I am not her boyfriend, but I am Prince Blake I am Marney's real brother," I told him innocently."What the heck are playing at. Is this some sick joke?" he asked me angrily. "No its true, honest. We look a like don't we?" I asked. He didn't reply, "You see, her real name is Maddison and she is a twin, she was stolen from my family a month after she was born. I can show you pictures if you like?" I told. He starred at me, "Look he boy, she is my daughter, she is mine, I love her. You are mistaken she is Marney and always will be. She is not your Maddison, she is not a twin. Its just me and her okay, she has no other family. She is mine my wife and I adopted her. She had a brother, he and my wife died and now its just us, so stop playing this stupid act! And leave you cruel person!" he shouted hitting his fists on the table, he then rose walking towards me more like striding at me. He grabbed my throat pushing me against a wall. "You speak utter lies boy and you need to leave now!" he knocked me against the wall again.

I chocked trying to get him off me. "L...let go," I yelped. But it wasn't me who made him stop.My eyes ran to her bed. "H...he did it. Blake, my dad did it, he stabbed me," she struggled to say.I looked at him, he loosened his grip looking at her. I pulled him off. I shouted "Security! Somebody get security!" He didn't move he was dumbfounded by her. "You sorry sight of a girl, how dare you! After everything I have ever done for you! You betray me in such a way. I want to finish you off, I do. Your like your damned mother and brother worthless. You deserve to die just like them!" he raved. Men rushed through the door seizing him by the arms, he spat at me.

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