Being found, but still scarred part 6 part

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Chapter 6- part 1

 you make small talk.

As I arrived at school I heard shouting, screaming. Great now what was happening, I wondered to myself. I entered the corridor unaware of what or who was inside. I saw everyone including Anna and Mark surrounding our principle and someone else. But who? I walked over to Anna who was trying to scramble her way through the people. "Anna what's going on?" I asked confused. " Ow, okay who did that? Oh yeah um well you know that Prince from the other day, yeah well he's come back to assess the school, and he is a total god apparently. And we err have to treat him like an inspector, but no way he is fit." she replied whilst trying to get through the people. All I could think was. Shit. Shit. Shit.

If he was back he would see me and try to speak to me. I had to get away and fast, but Anna had my arm and was pulling me through the people as well. " Anna let go please, I don't care about that prince person," I pleaded helplessly. " Now there is something seriously wrong with you," she exclaimed, "No way I'm letting you go, girl. You have to see him." Great she wouldn't let go, she nudged her way to the front pulling me beside her. I immediately pulled up my hood. And hide me face with my hair. I looked down hoping he wouldn't recognise or see me. "OKAY THAT IS ENOUGH EVERYONE GET TO THEIR HOMEROOM'S NOW BEFORE YOU ALL GET THREE DAYS DETENTION!" shouted the principle. Everyone ignored him and kept trying to get to the Prince. And I couldn't escape them. I was stuck right at the front in front of the prince. I didn't even look at him once, I didn't need to he was just like me but as a male a strong, broad male who didn't need me.

I stumbled forwards as I got shoved in the back. But I stumbled into the Prince who caught me before I fell to the floor. He looked at me, I looked away embarrassed. " Are you okay miss?" he asked, he was formal I had never been called miss before it was weird. "I'm fine, but you can put me down now." I said rudely and bluntly, he let go place me upright again. "I am sorry, are you sure you are not injured?" he inquired. " I'm sure" I said angrily great now he knew me and know he was going be freaked just like me. "Goodbye then, Maddison" he mumbled. What who was Maddison, wait he was talking to me. "Er my names not Maddison." I sneered at him. "Then do I get to know your name?" he asked, he sounded like he should be some kind of knight from the olden days. "Marney, my name is Marney," I replied walking away. Wait why did I tell him my name, was I stupid? I managed to escape the crowd of people. I walked hurriedly to home room, I opened the door, the classroom was empty. Apart from the teacher she smiled as I took my seat in the back row.

A couple of minuets later, a load of students entered the room talking loudly. "Omg did you see him, he is so lush it's unbelievable. I can't believe that girl Marney she was so rude to him." the schools bitch lacey said, another replied " Yeah I know I wouldn't dream of doing that, mind you she has always been a bit weird don't you think?". Me weird? No I am not. " Agreed but don't you also think she looked like him?" cooed another bitch called Aimee. "No, how could someone that ugly look like a fit guy like that," exclaimed Lacey bluntly. I wasn't bothered by what they said I was rude but I had a reason. The students sat down in their seats. "Okay class enough excitement for one day, turn to page 154 and do all the questions down to 8l okay," the teacher instructed us. I opened my text book and began to copy down the first question. Until the announcement system stared working. " Good morning students, as you are well aware, the prince has returned to assess the school. He will be here for a week at the most. And I do not want a repeat of this this morning, and if I hear of any problems I will give out punishments as they come. And if Marney Jones could please report to my office immediately," boomed the principle voice through the speakers. Why would he need to see me? I hadn't done anything wrong had I? I picked up my books and started to head for the door, when I heard them talking "OOO she's in trouble," cooed somebody another cried "I bet it was about earlier when she was rude to the prince." I looked at them. They stopped and laughed. I opened the door heading for the offices at then end of the corridor.

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