Being found,but still scarred-part 3

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Who knew? I did.

Prince Blake's pov:

My sister touched my arm, I looked down at her. She whispered to me "Blake look, up at the back row the girl in the corner she looks just like me, but thinner." I looked up at the girl she did look like my sister they could be identical. I just stared at her, the girl, she saw us looking at her her eyes swept to the floor and she shuffled further into the seat as if not wanting to be seen, she must be shy very shy. " She does, you could be identical if she wasn't so thin" I sighed. I couldn't show my sister the truth, she didn't know anything. I had been looking for this girl all over the world yet never managed to find her. I had now, I had found my long-lost sister, who had been stolen from us.

The girl got up with the other people she grabbed her bag, she moved swiftly and fast to fast for us to follow she disappeared through the doors with the other people.

"Blake, why do you think she hurried away so?" Arabella asked me nervously. " I guess she must be shy, but I don't know for sure" I replied, I wasn't bothered why she went away so fast I just needed to get her back. My sister didn't know we existed, she didn't know she was related to us. But Arabella carried on with the questions, " Yes but Blake, don't you think we should talk to her, we could employ her as my double when I don't want to do things." I didn't reply, I just needed to go home away from here far away, because Arabella didn't know and couldn't know. " Come on, let's just go, I don't have the time to hang around, you know farther wants us back at the hotel before lunch." She nodded, " I suppose so."

We travelled in silence back to the hotel, I needed to speak with my farther urgently about the girl, his daughter, I had found her after all these years. I was only two went she went missing. The car pulled up outside the hotel entrance, the chauffeur climbed out and opened my door, I climbed and waited whilst the chauffeur did the same for Arabella, she walked over, I held out my arm and she took it. We walked in nodding at the door man. We walked to our parents suit I opened the door to reveal them sitting and talking to each other. "hello mother, farther" I said, "oh darling how was the school award did you have fun?" mother asked us, I smiled and nodded. " Oh mum, it was fun and the people were very nice indeed but, I saw this girl" replied Arabella. I nudged her in the side to motion to shut up. She looked at me, I stared at her, she dropped the subject, she let go and headed towards a sofa she sat down next to mother.

I stood patiently as they chattered. I walked over to my dad. "Farther I need to talk to you urgently, in private," I told him. "why son what is this about?" he asked curiously. " I can't tell you with them around, but it's important very important" he looked at me. He stood up and walked over to the door I followed him, he opened the door and stepped out and so I stepped out after him. " Son what is this about?" I looked at him " Dad I found her, I found Maddison she was at the school, she was thin and shy, we couldn't talk to us she disappeared, but it was her definite.""what? You found her but how we've be looking for her since she was stolen" he was shocked.

" Trust me it was her, she didn't know us, but she must of seen how much we all looked alike. I think she was scared by it, she wouldn't look at us, and she got up and left in such a hurry, she really must have been freaked out by us," I said I looked at him again, " Trust me, it was her." He looked at me, "are you sure?" he asked again. "yes it was her."

"Okay, then we must get her back. But if she doesn't know about us, it will take a while, I wouldn't want to alarm her, plus she might have a loving family at home who want her, and she once she found out who she really is, she might not like it." My dad replied, he wasn't sure whether to tell her or not, I didn't blame him. She might not believe us. " so how do we get her and tell her who she is, and won't we have to tell Arabella who she is, and why we didn't tell her." I asked, Arabella didn't know she was twin, and that her twin was stolen from us. And why she never knew, or told about any of this. You see when they were born they looked identical, so the picture's we had of Maddison looked exactly like Arabella so we lied and told her all those picture's were of Arabella, and we got the whole world to lie saying Maddison never existed, as we had looked everywhere and she was thought dead, but I never gave up, I knew she would be out there somewhere. And now I had found her, my little sister would come back into my life after all these years. I couldn't believe it.

"we have to tell your mother and then Arabella the truth, which will take a while and a whole of crying. Come on lets go in and tell them and then we will make a plan" my farther told me, we opened the door and went to sit opposite my mother and sister. "Honey are you okay, you look very strange" my mum ask my dad she looked concerned.

"I am fine, but I have some news, its good but your going to be very upset about it, but you will be happy I promise you that"my dad talked her as a husband not a king. "w...what is it?" my mother asked. "Tell her son" my dad looked at me. " mother when me and Arabella were at the school, we saw a girl, she looked identical to Arabella but thinner and weaker. Mum I found her I found Maddison." she looked at me, and gasped. "Maddison you found Maddison. Are you sure?" she asked. "Yes it was definitionally her, trust me it was her" I answered her.

Everyone sat in silence for a minuet or two. " wait who is Maddison? What does that girl got to do with anything?" my sister asked, I looked her, I didn't smile. "Dad you have to tell her the truth." I instructed him. " Arabella, your not going to believe me but you have another sister, when you were born you were a twin. The girl at the school is your twin, you see she was stolen from us when you was still a couple of weeks old, some of the photo's of you are actually her. We searched every where for her, but we couldn't find her, she was thought to be dead and we couldn't take it so we told the world to say she never existed so you would never know, but she is alive and we can get her back." My dad looked at her the whole time, and she looked back my mum patted her knee, but Arabella started to cry, but she was angry not upset. "What, how dare you lie to me, I'm not a twin and never will be, and if you're telling the truth I hate you, you should of told me I had the right to know didn't I? How dare you lie to me my whole life, I can't believe you, how could you?" she screamed her face red and tears falling down her cheeks. " I'm sorry" my dad whispered, he was hurt by her. And she by us, we had lied to her all her life and now we were going to suffer for it.

" Darling, we thought it for the best. We didn't want you to get hurt by it. And we couldn't bare the fact that she was stolen and thought dead so we had to pretend she never existed, and we have you to think about, you must understand we think of her all the time imaging her being with us and what she would be like, I look at you and see her. You are a constant reminder of her." my mum tried to tell her what it was like, and comfort her. I looked at the floor not knowing what to do. I was to blame as well, I never told her, I was only two when it happened.

"Did you know, Blake did you know?" she asked me. Her face so hurt and red. Her eyes dull and red. "yes I did, but I was only two so I didn't understand, but I never forgot her, and used to look for her everywhere we went. I never gave up on her" I told keeping my eyes to the floor, I couldn't look at her, she wouldn't trust me again and I knew it. "how could you, I trusted you, I'm closer to you than anyone else, why didn't you tell me?" she shouted. "I...I couldn't and it would hurt you to much" I told her.

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