Being found, but still scarred-part 4

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Just living, with him.

I hurried away. This was weird. Really weird. I was glad when I managed to get to class and grab a seat in the back row. Nobody would notice me. Thankfully. I hope nobody else noticed that I looked like them. If they did then I would be talked about, and I didn't want that. All the other lesson's that day were a blur, all I could think about was them. Them and the way they look, and the way I look.

The last bell went I grabbed my stuff and headed off to the bus, glad to be finally going home. Away from one mess but back to a worse one. To him. The bus pulled up and I leapt on, I took my usual seat beside the window, and halfway back. The journey home was quiet and dull, I looked out the window, to the called cold grey streets outside. The bus came to its last stop I got off. I walked as slowly as possibly to my door, I didn't want to go in, but I had no other choice.

I opened the door and walked in, he wasn't home yet, so I could run round the doing what ever I wanted for awhile I dumped my bag in my room, and then collapsed on the sofa turning on the TV with the remote. I searched the channels and found my favourite show, it wasn't on so I just stuck on some re-runs. I relaxed for about an-hour just in-front of the TV. That is until the door clicked, he was home. I turned the TV off, and headed for my room. I shut the door of my room quietly, not wanting him to know I had been watching TV. I sank onto my bed it was comfortable but not here.

Here it was just another thing I didn't want or need. I heard his footsteps approaching,was coming to my room or his own. Mine great, now I was in for it. The door opened revealing him, his face angry and scary. He looked at me, I looked back. He walked over and then sat at the end of my bed. I didn't know what to do or why he was here. "oh baby, I'm sorry so so sorry" he whispered great he was in apologetic mood, but this meant he would hit me afterwards. "Don't worry dad, it doesn't matter," when he was like this I had to be forgiving, and I mean very forgiving. "No,no,,no I shouldn't of done, you know I love you don't you darling, you were always daddy's little angel" he replied, no I wasn't daddy's little angel, I just stayed out of sight so he wouldn't hit me when I was younger. When he left I was happy, he didn't hit me this time, just shouted. I went to the kitchen to grab something for tea, I made a couple of sandwiches and headed back to my room, out of his way.

I fell asleep, after eating them.I woke up late, so I had a rushed shower, then got dressed and then ran out of the door without even bothering with him. I ran up the street to the bus stop, it was just about to leave but I managed to get on. I sat down looking out the window. My friend came on later and asked me if I was okay, I was in a good mood so I spoke to he today. "Yeah I'm fine, actually my day is going amazing so far" I said smiling. "Well that's good. Hey when does the history project need to be in by, I have forgot again?" she asked. "next Tuesday, you always forget" I laughed, I mean it she forgets everything.

Even the day of the week, where her glasses are, where I am, where she is. All me and Adam is constantly remind her of everything. The bus arrived at me and Anna walked in together laughing, we met Adam in the hall and then made our way to our lockers. We stood chatting until the bell rang for the second time. We made our way to our separate classes.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey guy's I hope you like it so far, please comment and vote.

If you think I should do something or give some advice. Please do.


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