Flashback: Trevor's POV

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You know the weirdest thing to get after not talking or seeing the outside world for about three months? A letter. And you're probably wondering about why that is weird but for me, It filled me with hope that someone actually was trying to contact me and someone was trying to see if I was okay. And after being trapped in this hell of a place, it's one of the best things I have ever got. This place was not what you would want to be in. It's dark white walls. It's horrible high windows. The bars. Every single thing about this room was haunting me and had been haunting me. And then her. I remember one morning so vividly with her. I remember it had been about a month since she kidnapped me and locked me in this hell and she came in and talked to me. I remember her telling me that it was for the best of society and that if I admitted to her that I was straight, that she would let me go and I would be free to experience and live in the outside world like I had previously. I remember turning to her and telling her that I would never confine to societal expectations and that I was gay and that it made me who I am and nothing would change that. I remember her that night restricting my food and my water and I remember a few days later waking up with a prescription for drugs as I had collapsed earlier that week due to a lack of food. She had tried to kill me. She thought that if I starved it would lead to me giving in and becoming remorse and admitting I was not gay but honestly, it didn't work. All it did was make me realize more that I was gay and that I wouldn't change that. And then getting that letter. Kian honestly sounded like an interesting person and I knew that as I started to write back, I had found a connection and in a way, an escape to the outside world. And I knew that I could write everything I was feeling and experiencing to him and I knew that I could escape her through letter writing. He wanted me to be his reason and I knew that as I wrote my letter to him, that I would be his reason and he would be my escape.

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