Dirt Monkey

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Tony and his little companion stepped into the towers elevator.

"Jay take us up to the penthouse please," Tony told his IA

"Yes Sir, shall I tell Miss Potts you have arrived?" Jarvis asked.

Tony nodded as he looked at the little girl. "You can do," He told him.

The little girl smiled up at Tony as the elevator moved; It had been a long time since she had been in a elevator. Tony watched as the little girl looked around the elevator, she'd look at her reflection and pull funny faces at herself.


The lift stopped and the doors opened.

"Come on Dirt Monkey!" Tony told the little girl as he took her hand.

Tony led the toddler into the sitting room where a few bags we placed and Pepper was standing with a shocked look on her face.

"I can explain," Tony began.

"Please do!" Pepper told him. "And I swear to God if you stole that child or she belongs to an evil criminal-"

"Pep you're killing me!" Tony stated. "This is Dirt Monkey!"

Pepper frowned. "What?" She asked.

"She was all alone in the park, look at her she has to be an orphan!" Tony explained.

"Did you call her 'Dirt Monkey'?" She asked hoping that wasn't what she heard.

Tony nodded and looked at the smiley toddler. "Yep, I'm gonna clean her up, feed her and run her DNA to see if I can track some family down!" He explained. "Steve will be so proud of me!"

Pepper rolled her eyes. "I'm assuming Steve is still mad at you for spending a solid ten hours in the work shop last night?" She asked.

Tony sighed. "Yeah he is but I'm going to make it up to him," He told her. "Now did you run a bath?"

Pepper nodded and handed Tony some clothes, a towel, a binky and a diaper. Tony led the little girl to the large bathroom. The toddler jumped around the large bathroom in excitement as Tony tried to undress her, he stripped her down and noticed her body was sore from her dirty diaper and clothes.

"Oh kid," Tony mumbled sadly. "Come on lets get you cleaned up."

Tony picked the toddler up and gently placed her in the bath, she squealed and splashed around. The billionaire couldn't help but smile, he grabbed a beaker and tipped the water over her head and he began to wash the dirt off her.

The toddler played with the ducks as Tony washed her hair, she still hadn't spoke a word to him, it was not because she couldn't it was because she was scared to, yes the man was very kind to her but she didn't know him.

Tony whipped the dirt off the toddlers face, he noticed she had a lovely natural tan, her hair was a gorgeous shade of blonde and she was very pretty.

The little girl hummed as Tony washed the soap from her hair. "Come on- Er," Tony stuttered not knowing what to call the little girl. "I guess I can't call you Dirt Monkey anymore... Argh well I think it still suits ya!"

Tony lifted the Toddler out the bath and onto the mat, he dried her off with a towel then put some cream on her sores hoping it would help, he put a diaper on her (With the help of Jarvis) then dressed her in a cute little t- shirt that belonged to Tony; The shirt was very large on her but she looked adorable.

Tony popped a binky in her mouth as he carried her out the bathroom and into the sitting room, he sat on the couch with her on his lap; Pepper had made some pancakes and left them on the coffee table. Tony picked up a piece of pancake and offered it to the toddler, at first she wasn't sure but she took the binky out of her mouth and she took a small bite.

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