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I was currently in the training room. Punching away my feelings. Ema still hadn't stopped crying she did eat because I forced her but he wouldn't stop crying.

I felt like crap, all the thoughts that kept coming back my mom would kill me I she found out what I did. I wasn't even guilty.

I didn't stop punching not even when I saw blood, I just kept going. I couldn't hear anything since I was wearing earphones. I just kept punching until I fell on the floor from the bleeding.

Tears falling down my eyes. Then someone walked in. "What do you want?" I asked since I didn't know who it was. "I wouldn't speak that way to me if I were you" my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Sorry uncle Jared" he smiles "no problem".

I stand up and walk to the training room's bathroom and clean the blood on my knuckles.

"You are just like your father" he sighs. "Beating things to death when you're angry"

I smile at him weakly. "I'm not mad I'm confused" his expression changes into a worried one. "Why are you confused?" I shake my head. "It's fine, I can deal with it"

I walk to the living room while he still tries to get me to talk.

"Hey Jake?" I walk up to my mom who is sitting on the couch. "What's up?" I ask.

"Show me your hands" she says worried. "Why?" I move my hands behind me. "Just let me see your hands!" She says and I can't really fight her right now, so I show them to her and a small gasp escapes her mouth.

"Mom I'm fine okay it's just a scratch" she nods but a tear falls done her cheek. I dry it and walk upstairs and uncle Jared doesn't follow me.

I walk to Ema's room and knock. "Ema?" she doesn't answer so I open the door. I walk in and see her crying on the floor. I pick her up and sit her on the bed and then I notice the blood.

"Ema? What happened?" she doesn't answer and just keeps crying. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to". She didn't want to look me in the eyes. after I helped her clean the blood and bandaged her wrist. I helped her on to her bed.

"I'll be back okay" she nods and I walk out of the room.

I walk downstairs and go to my mom. "Mom?" "What's wrong honey?" Tears escape my eyes. "Can you call aunt Marisa?" she nods not asking what's wrong.

After a while aunt Marisa arrives and I tell her to follow me to Ema's room. "What's wrong?" I open the door and then show er Ema's wrist. She gasps but tells me to wait outside.

I sit leaning against the wall. "What's wrong Jake?" uncle Jared asks even though I thought he had left. "She's fine. She has to be" whispering that last part to myself instead of to him. The aunt Marisa walked out.

"She'll be fine I gave her some relaxers, if she does this again go to the hospital, okay?" I nod and walk into the room.

"Hey" she smiles at me from the bed. "Go to sleep okay if you need me just send me a message" she nods closing her eyes. I give her a kiss on the head and walk outside.

When I walk downstairs mom is sitting on the couch talking to aunt Marisa. I walk up to them and smile even though I feel like my world is gonna come crashing down.

"Thanks aunt Marisa" she smiles. "No problem" I sigh getting a text message from the gang. "Can you guys make sure Ema is okay while I go out for a bit". They nod and I walk out.

I drive to the gang house. "So what's the emergency". Someone stands up to give me a report. "There is this new gang in town that has been getting into our territory sr" I sigh. "Okay you find out everything there is about this gang and the rest of you make sure thy don't get out of line as soon as they do call me they will regret it". They all nod. After I dismiss them and go back.

"I'm back" I say walking into the living room. "Hey man" Alex and Andrew said at the same time. "Hey" I haven't talked to them much since dad died but I do miss it. "People are asking if your gonna go to school tomorrow" Andrew says worried "don't worry I'm going tomorrow I need to turn in some work" they nod and smile as they walk back to mom who is talking to aunt Marisa.

My phone rings. "Hello?" "Good be happy, for now"

Gang Leaders Son (gang leader #2)Where stories live. Discover now